Search results for does raising the minimum wage reduce employment (304)
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All states must set higher wage benchmarks for home health care workers
Business power and the turn toward the local in employment standards policy and enforcement
State of Working America 2021: Measuring wages in the pandemic labor market
Unions can reduce the public-sector pay gap: Collective bargaining rights and local government workers
The great reversal: The story of how an influential international organization changed its view on employment security, labor market flexibility, and collective bargaining
Botched policy responses to globalization have decimated manufacturing employment with often overlooked costs for Black, Brown, and other workers of color: Investing in infrastructure and rebalancing trade can create good jobs for all
New evidence of widespread wage theft in the H-1B visa program: Corporate document reveals how tech firms ignore the law and systematically rob migrant workers
Setting higher wages for child care and home health care workers is long overdue
Alt-labor’s turn toward politics and public policy to combat the exploitation of low-wage workers: Building power and ‘punching above their weight’
The Raise the Wage Act would support essential care workers: Nearly 2 million direct care workers who provide long-term services and supports would benefit from a $15 minimum wage in 2025