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Fastest wage growth over the last four years among historically disadvantaged groups: Low-wage workers’ wages surged after decades of slow growth
The State of Working America Podcast
State of Working America 2021: Measuring wages in the pandemic labor market
State of Working America Wages 2019: A story of slow, uneven, and unequal wage growth over the last 40 years
State of Working America Wages 2018: Wage inequality marches on—and is even threatening data reliability
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Fastest wage growth over the last four years among historically disadvantaged groups: Low-wage workers’ wages surged after decades of slow growth
Low-wage workers have seen historically fast real wage growth in the pandemic business cycle: Policy investments translate into better opportunities for the lowest-paid workers
Top EPI reports of 2021 focused on economic injustice and its remedies
Low-wage, low-hours workers were hit hardest in the COVID-19 recession: The State of Working America 2020 employment report
Wages grew in 2020 because the bottom fell out of the low-wage labor market: The State of Working America 2020 wages report
Household income gains welcome in 2019 Census data, but may not be as strong as they first appear
Income gains from 2019 Census report illustrate the importance of getting closer to full employment during the recovery
Low-wage workers saw the biggest wage growth in states that increased their minimum wage between 2018 and 2019
State of Working America Wages 2019: A story of slow, uneven, and unequal wage growth over the last 40 years
Yes, David Brooks, there really is a class war
Decades of rising economic inequality in the U.S.: Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee
Stark black–white divide in wages is widening further
State of Working America Wages 2018: Wage inequality marches on—and is even threatening data reliability
The State of American Wages 2017: Wages have finally recovered from the blow of the Great Recession but are still growing too slowly and unequally
Employers would pocket $5.8 billion of workers’ tips under Trump administration’s proposed ‘tip stealing’ rule
State of Working America Data Library adds new data on wages, benefits, and compensation
Don’t Blame the Poor for the Faults of Our Economy
No Matter How We Measure Poverty, the Poverty Rate Would Be Much Lower If Economic Growth Were More Broadly Shared
Rigorous Research is Needed to Eventually Inform Better Economic Policy, Regardless of Political Realities
If you’re writing about the ‘fiscal cliff,’ you need to read The State of Working America
U.S. poverty rates higher, safety net weaker than in peer countries
It’s executives and the finance sector causing surging 1% income growth
CEOs made 231 times more than workers did in 2011
Today’s young workers starting out at lower wages
Huge disparity in share of total wealth gain since 1983
Welcome momentum in the labor market—but we need more
The Great Recession exacerbated existing wealth disparities in U.S.
The state of working America’s wealth, 2011: Through volatility and turmoil, the gap widens
Minnesota public-sector workers are undercompensated compared to private-sector counterparts
Economic Policy Institute publishes State of Working America