Search results for does raising the minimum wage reduce employment (300)
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Twenty-Three Years and Still Waiting for Change: Why It’s Time to Give Tipped Workers the Regular Minimum Wage
Increasing Wages is an Effective Poverty Reduction Tool, Even for Kids
Raising America’s Pay: Why It’s Our Central Economic Policy Challenge
Paul Ryan Still Doesn’t Understand the Scale of the Poverty Problem
CBO Report Shows Low-Wage Workers Would Be Better Off With a Minimum Wage of $10.10
Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Will Not Lead to Job Loss
The Unfinished March for Jobs: Focus of U.S. Fiscal Policy Must Shift Back to Full Employment
Don’t Blame the Robots: Assessing the Job Polarization Explanation of Growing Wage Inequality
The Legislative Attack on American Wages and Labor Standards, 2011–2012
To Work With Dignity: The Unfinished March Toward a Decent Minimum Wage
A review of the economic research on the effects of raising ordinary income tax rates: Higher revenue, unchanged growth, and uncertain but potentially large reductions in the growth of inequality
Raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 would give working families, and the overall economy, a much-needed boost
Testimony in support of HB 1204: “Labor and Employment – Maryland Wage and Hour Law – Payment of Wages”
A Massachusetts minimum-wage increase would help working families and generate jobs
What does a Romney plan mean for you?
How raising the federal minimum wage would help working families and give the economy a boost
Wages and Social Security
Economic research supports raising the minimum wage
The benefits of raising Illinois’ minimum wage: An increase would help working families and the state economy
Sustained, high joblessness causes lasting damage to wages, benefits, income, and wealth
Regulation, employment, and the economy: Fears of job loss are overblown
Strengthening unemployment insurance: A critique of individual accounts and wage-loss insurance
Tax Incentives for Businesses in Response to a Minimum Wage Increase
State minimum wages: A policy that works
Minimum wage trends: Understanding past and contemporary research
The economic impact of local living wages
Employment and the Minimum Wage—Evidence from Recent State Labor Market Trends
No Longer Getting By—An Increase in the Minimum Wage Is Long Overdue
Divided we fall: Deserving workers slip through America’s patchwork unemployment insurance system
Low-Wage Workers Deserve Pay Raise—Viewpoints | EPI