Search results for covid (644)
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Teachers’ unions reduce teacher stress. Anti-union laws significantly increase it.
News from EPI › President Biden has advanced worker rights in the first 18 months of his administration, but there’s much more to do: New EPI report assesses the Biden administration’s record for workers
President Biden’s first 18 months: Assessing the Biden administration’s record for workers
As the H-2B visa program grows, the need for reforms that protect workers is greater than ever: Employers stole $1.8 billion from workers in the industries that employed most H-2B workers over the past two decades
The teacher pay penalty has hit a new high: Trends in teacher wages and compensation through 2021
State policy solutions for good home health care jobs—nearly half held by Black women in the South—should address the legacy of racism, sexism, and xenophobia in the workforce
Will secular stagnation return? The stakes for current economic debates and fiscal policy
Rising inflation is a global problem: U.S. policy choices are not to blame
Unions helped keep workers in jobs and paid during the pandemic
The state of the residential long-term care industry: A comprehensive look at employment levels, demographics, wages, benefits, and poverty rates of workers in the industry