Margaret Poydock joined EPI in 2016. As a senior policy analyst, she works on issues of unions, labor standards, and strikes. She also helps manage EPI’s legislative and policy initiatives to build a more just economy. Previously, Poydock was EPI’s communications assistant where she provided support for the media relations, publications, and web departments.
B.S., Political Communication, Emerson College
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Misclassifying workers as independent contractors is costly for workers and states
EPI comment on OSHA’s proposed heat standard rule
More than $1.5 billion in stolen wages recovered for workers between 2021 and 2023
Flexible work: What workers, especially low-wage workers, really want and how best to provide it
The inspiring wave of student worker organizing that the Trump administration tried to stop
The Biden board: How President Biden’s NLRB appointees are restoring and supporting workers’ rights
Major strike activity increased by 280% in 2023: Many workers still need policies that protect their right to strike
Workers want unions, but the latest data point to obstacles in their path: Private-sector unionization rose by more than a quarter million in 2023, while unionization in state and local governments fell
What to know about this summer’s strike activity: What’s spurring the rise in labor actions?
Unions promote racial equity
EPI comment regarding OSTP Request for Information on automated worker surveillance and management
Workers are winning union elections, but it can take years to get their first contract
Employers spend more than $400 million per year on ‘union-avoidance’ consultants to bolster their union-busting efforts
Employers regularly engage in tactics to suppress unions: Examples at Starbucks, Amazon, and Google illustrate employers’ anti-union playbook
Flexible work without exploitation: Reversing tech companies’ state-by-state agenda to unravel workers’ rights and misclassify workers as ‘contractors’ in the gig economy and beyond
Major strike activity increased nearly 50% in 2022: Upcoming Supreme Court case threatens workers’ ability to strike
EPI retracts fact sheet on employer violations in union elections
The economic costs of worker misclassification
Unionization increased by 200,000 in 2022: Tens of millions more wanted to join a union, but couldn’t
EPI comments on DOL’s proposed rulemaking on employee or independent contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act
EPI comment on proposal to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation to implement an Executive Order pertaining to project labor agreements in Federal construction projects
EPI comments on OLMS’s proposed rulemaking on the revision of the form LM-10 employer report
President Biden’s first 18 months: Assessing the Biden administration’s record for workers
EPI comments on DOL’s proposed Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts rule
EPI comments on DOL’s proposed Wagner-Peyser Act Staffing rule
National survey of gig workers paints a picture of poor working conditions, low pay
EPI comments on DOL’s proposed updates to the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts regulations
The U.S. tax code functionally rewards corporations who use anti-union consultants: Congress must take action
Data show major strike activity increased in 2021 but remains below pre-pandemic levels: Many worker actions were not captured in the data
Project labor agreements on federal construction projects will benefit nearly 200,000 workers