Search results for covid (631)
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How state attorneys general are protecting workers during the coronavirus pandemic
News from EPI › March’s huge job losses are just the tip of the iceberg of what’s to come
Higher rates of poverty and incarceration put front-line workers and communities in Southern states at greater risk from the coronavirus
The Trump NLRB needs to be removed
3.5 million workers likely lost their employer-provided health insurance in the past two weeks
Workers exposed to the coronavirus need to be able to protect themselves from illness or death without risking their employment
Which data to watch and not watch this week: Watch Thursday’s unemployment insurance claims, not Friday’s jobs day numbers
Unions are giving workers a seat at the table when it comes to the coronavirus response
Nine in 10 farmworkers could be covered by the paid leave provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act—but not if smaller employers are exempted
In midst of a pandemic, Trump’s NLRB makes it nearly impossible for workers to organize a union
Exposed and underpaid: Women still make less than men, including in sectors especially affected by the coronavirus
Without fast action from Congress, low-wage workers will be ineligible for unemployment benefits during the coronavirus crisis
Despite some good provisions, the CARES Act has glaring flaws and falls short of fully protecting workers during the coronavirus crisis
States are projected to lose more jobs due to the coronavirus: 14 million jobs could be lost by summer
Southern state policymakers must do more to respond to the coronavirus pandemic: Medicaid expansion, emergency paid sick leave, and dedicated public health resources are especially needed
Nurses in garbage bags?: Why the Trump administration must use the Defense Production Act to mobilize production of critically needed hospital protective equipment immediately
Coronavirus and farmworkers: Farm employment, safety issues, and the H-2A guestworker program
The coronavirus crisis led to a record-breaking spike in weekly unemployment insurance claims: An estimated 3.4 million workers filed for unemployment last week
Fixing unemployment insurance and the coronavirus response
Every state will lose jobs as a result of the coronavirus: Policymakers must take action
What to expect in tomorrow’s unemployment insurance numbers: The leading edge of the coronavirus’s shock to the labor market, not the full picture
Senate coronavirus bill is crucial—but it’s a fraction of what’s needed
How the lack of paid sick leave will make coronavirus worse
The coronavirus pandemic requires state and local policymakers to act, in addition to demanding a strong federal response
Why a fiscal stimulus that is big and fast is so necessary—and why it should continue so long as the economy is weak
Lack of paid sick days and large numbers of uninsured increase risks of spreading the coronavirus
Celine McNicholas
Policy Responses to Corporate Inversions: Close the Barn Door Before the Horse Bolts
A Brief but Sad History of Selected Corporate Inversions
Heidi Shierholz