Dan Essrow joined EPI in the winter of 2012. Dan works with EPI’s experts and communications staff to produce the Institute’s reports and web publications. He designs print, web, and email products, and creates visual communications that are clear, concise, and accessible. He has previously worked as a web producer at Boston University, and contributed graphic design and communications strategy to a 2012 U.S. Senate campaign.
B.A., Political Science; B.S., Communication, Boston University
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1 in 5 veterans would benefit from raising the federal minimum wage to $15: Workers at the federal minimum wage are paid less today than during the Vietnam War
Latinas face a double pay penalty—because of their ethnicity and gender
Republicans’ tax plan gives the top 1 percent of households a $207,000 tax cut; Bottom 20 percent get $50
Who are today’s union members?
You can’t mansplain away the gender pay gap
Teachers make 17 percent less than similar workers
Tuitions are rising, and it’s not because of overtime pay
By failing to eliminate the tipped minimum wage, D.C. Mayor Bowser continues a legacy of inequality
Are Uber drivers employees, contractors, or something new?
Most child care workers can’t even afford care for their own children
Urban Outfitters gets into the holiday spirit by asking its employees to work for free
Low-Wage Workers Are Older than You Think: 89 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit from a $12 Minimum Wage are at Least 20 Years Old
By the Numbers: Income and Poverty, 2013
American Families Have Been Losing Ground Since 2000
The Truth About Tipped Workers
What’s The Problem With Young College Grads?
The Average Low-Wage Worker Is Responsible for Half of His or Her Family’s Income
Lopsided Income Growth in The United States
Good Eric Schmidt vs. Evil Eric Schmidt
Attack On American Labor Standards
Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think: 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20, One Third Are Over 40
Easily Sharable Minimum Wage Graphics
Pay of top restaurant industry CEOs in 2012 averages 788 times the minimum wage
Nostalgic for the Gatsby era? (Surprise! You’re living in it.)
Leaked ESPN memo asks employees to take one for the team
In dispute of the ‘labor dispute’