Table 3

Net jobs created (+) or displaced (-) by U.S. trade with China, by industry, 2001–2011

Industry Industry total* Industry share of total jobs displaced
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries 53,200 -1.9%
Mining -1,000 0.0%
Oil and gas -900 0.0%
Minerals and ores -100 0.0%
Utilities -10,600 0.4%
Construction -15,400 0.6%
Manufacturing -2,109,700 76.9%
Nondurable goods -396,300 14.5%
Food and kindred products -7,200 0.3%
Beverage and tobacco products 800 0.0%
Textile mills and textile product mills -106,200 3.9%
Apparel and accessories -211,200 7.7%
Leather and allied products -72,500 2.6%
Industrial supplies -153,300 5.6%
Wood products -17,200 0.6%
Paper -17,700 0.6%
Printed matter and related products -16,400 0.6%
Petroleum and coal products -500 0.0%
Chemicals -19,000 0.7%
Plastics and rubber products -57,600 2.1%
Nonmetallic mineral products -24,900 0.9%
Durable goods -1,560,100 56.9%
Primary metal -35,900 1.3%
Fabricated metal products -120,600 4.4%
Machinery, except electrical -54,300 2.0%
Computer and electronic products -1,064,800 38.8%
Computer and peripheral equipment -620,700 22.6%
Communications, audio, and video equipment -203,500 7.4%
Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments -5,500 0.2%
Semiconductor and other electronic components, and magnetic and optical media production -235,000 8.6%
Electrical equipment, appliances, and components -78,100 2.8%
Transportation equipment -13,800 0.5%
Motor vehicles and parts -19,800 0.7%
Aerospace products and parts 8,000 -0.3%
Railroad, ship, and other transportation equipment -2,000 0.1%
Furniture and fixtures -80,700 2.9%
Miscellaneous manufactured commodities -111,800 4.1%
Wholesale and retail trade 0 0.0%
Transportation -76,500 2.8%
Information -48,700 1.8%
Finance and insurance -28,000 1.0%
Real estate and rental and leasing -27,400 1.0%
Professional, scientific, and technical services -145,000 5.3%
Management of companies and enterprises -90,000 3.3%
Administrative and support and waste management and remediation
-160,600 5.9%
Education services -400 0.0%
Health care and social assistance 1,800 -0.1%
Arts, entertainment, and recreation -8,500 0.3%
Accommodation and food services -41,500 1.5%
Other services -29,900 1.1%
Government -4,100 0.1%
Scrap and second-hand goods 0 0.0%
Subtotal, non-oil goods -2,740,800 99.9%
Total jobs created or displaced* -2,742,200 100.0%

* Subcategory and category totals may not sum exactly due to rounding.

Source: Author's analysis of U.S. Census Bureau (2009), U.S. International Trade Commission (2012), and Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Employment Projections (2011a and 2011b). For a more detailed explanation of data sources and computations, see the Appendix.

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