Press Releases | Budget, Taxes, and Public Investment

News from EPI EPI’s State of the Union Resources

For Immediate Release: Monday, January 24, 2011
Contact: Phoebe Silag or Karen Conner, 202-775-8810

Tomorrow the President is expected to address a broad range of issues, including the budget, jobs, trade and infrastructure, in his State of the Union Address.  The Economic Policy Institute offers resources on several of these topics, and EPI experts are available to provide a progressive perspective on the address.


In Investing in America’s Economy, EPI, together with Demos and The Century Foundation, presents a deficit-reduction proposal that prioritizes a strong economic recovery. The plan recognizes that widespread job creation and robust economic growth are essential to successful deficit reduction. More information is available on the project’s homepage at

In Paul Ryan’s Plan for Millionaires’ Gain and Middle-Class Pain, Policy Analyst Andrew Fieldhouse exposes the consequences of Ryan’s budget vision, as detailed in his “Roadmap for America’s Future,” if implemented: a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to wealthy Americans and corporations and a wholesale dismantling of the social programs that all Americans rely on, including Medicare and Social Security.

In “Welcome to Paul Ryan’s House – and budget,” Fieldhouse outlines Representative Paul Ryan’s expanded powers as House Budget Committee Chairman and explains how they could harm the economy.


In the American Jobs Plan,you will find EPI’s comprehensive research and analysis of the jobs crisis—how severe it has grown and why—and the details of how EPI would create at least 4.6 million jobs in one year.

For a detailed analysis of the latest jobs numbers, see Labor force smaller than before recession startedby Heidi Shierholz.


In a recent New York Times online discussion, “Can the U.S. Compete with China on Green Tech,” EPI senior international economist Robert Scott makes the case that the U.S. cannot compete in clean energy and other green technology industries without fundamental changes in our support for these industries and our approach to trade.

In Economic Impacts of a Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, Dr. Scott shows how the agreement is projected to displace 159,000 U.S. jobs in its first eight years.

China’s currency manipulation acts as a subsidy on all of the country’s exports to the United States and the world.  In “U.S. Jobs Depend on China Revaluing Its Currency Now,” Dr. Scott is skeptical that China will allow its currency to be more “flexible.” 


In Impact of alternate public transit and rail investment scenarios on the labor market, EPI shows how transportation investments represent an opportunity for Congress to kick the economy into higher gear by creating millions of well-paying jobs while simultaneously boosting the condition and performance of our nation’s transportation system.