Stop Trumpcare’s savage cuts to Medicaid: Sign the petition
Tell your Senators to reject Trumpcare.

This horribly destructive bill repeals the ACA and cuts Medicaid over and on top of that. And, in a clear attempt to hide just how many people it will deprive of health security, the bill’s authors have back-loaded the most severe Medicaid cuts.
If enacted, Graham-Cassidy would result in over 30 million people losing healthcare coverage.
Sign the petition today to protect the healthcare of tens of millions of Americans. Tell your Senators to reject Trumpcare.
To: All U.S. Senators
In the ten years prior to the Affordable Care Act, roughly 15 million working people lost access to employer-based healthcare coverage. But, between 2010—2015, 19.2 million people have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Let’s not go backwards! I urge you to vote NO on Graham-Cassidy and protect the healthcare of tens of millions of Americans.