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Dangerous targets: Why setting a specific deficit reduction target would worsen the economic and fiscal situation
The sequester, the Ryan budget and practically all other spending cuts actually make the debt situation worse
Time to end the reign of terror of scary upward-sloping graphs
The Murray budget falls short on funding domestic programs
Sequester would push domestic discretionary budget to record lows
Health care costs slow down
The UK is showing us why austerity is dangerous, but are we paying attention?
Debt stabilization does not require $1.4 trillion, $1.5 trillion, or any other single number
Increases of middle-class tax rates equal or exceed increases on households earning between $200K and $1M
The middle class does NOT extend up to $400K
Let the Bush tax cuts expire, there are better options
Social Security has no place in ‘fiscal cliff’ negotiations
6 reasons why the debt ceiling should be scrapped
President Obama wants to cut domestic spending and protect public investments, but his budget only cuts
For fairness and job creation, the Buffett Rule is a no-brainer
The employment impact of coupling the Buffett Rule with job creating investments
Investing in America’s economy: A budget blueprint for economic recovery
Romney’s evasive language hides his tax cut for the rich
Counting up to green: Assessing the green economy and its implications for growth and equity
Green-energy investments are necessary: Fossil fuel subsidies must go
Capping federal spending at 20 percent of GDP would decimate state budgets
Majority of elderly households fall into category maligned by Romney
Five facts about the 47 percent
Health reform and the $716 billion lie
Making the tax code work for the middle class
Bill Keller and Third Way’s misinformed and ironic baby boomer bashing
The folly of the GOP’s ‘tax reform’ agenda
The five serious flaws of Bowles-Simpson
Households making between $250K and $1M a year are not ‘middle class’
The long-term budget outlook has improved dramatically over the last three years