Table 4.19

Hourly wages by wage percentile, gender, and education, 1973–2011 (2011 dollars)

Real hourly wage Change
1973 1979 1989 1995 2000 2007 2011 1979–1989 1989–2000 2000–2007 2007–2011 1979–2011
High school
Low $10.57 $9.79 $8.42 $8.18 $8.93 $8.70 $8.33 -14.0% 6.1% -2.6% -4.3% -14.9%
Median 19.06 18.67 16.34 15.07 15.88 15.84 15.00 -12.5 -2.8 -0.3 -5.3 -19.7
High 31.13 30.47 28.81 27.71 29.07 29.61 29.80 -5.4 0.9 1.8 0.7 -2.2
Low $7.16 $8.17 $6.68 $6.97 $7.64 $7.61 $7.64 -18.2% 14.3% -0.4% 0.4% -6.4%
Median 11.83 11.56 11.56 11.39 12.17 12.19 12.01 0.0 5.4 0.1 -1.5 3.9
High 19.57 19.73 20.82 21.05 21.87 21.94 22.09 5.5 5.0 0.4 0.6 12.0
Low $13.05 $12.63 $11.93 $11.41 $13.04 $12.54 $11.87 -5.5% 9.3% -3.8% -5.4% -6.0%
Median 24.50 23.81 24.74 24.41 26.97 26.98 25.96 3.9 9.0 0.0 -3.8 9.0
High 45.69 43.74 44.85 47.70 52.20 56.33 55.10 2.5 16.4 7.9 -2.2 26.0
Low $10.04 $9.07 $9.41 $9.59 $10.65 $10.79 $10.12 3.7% 13.2% 1.3% -6.3% 11.5%
Median 17.34 15.75 18.18 19.34 20.92 20.87 20.25 15.4 15.0 -0.2 -3.0 28.5
High 27.39 26.77 31.67 35.84 40.12 41.69 41.15 18.3 26.7 3.9 -1.3 53.7

Note: Low, median, and high earners refer, respectively, to those earning the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentile wage.

Source: Authors' analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

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