Table 2
Change in states' fiscal 2013 federal grant funding resulting from sequestration and the current continuing resolution
State | Total loss or gain relative to fiscal 2012 funding (millions) | Percent cut or increase relative to fiscal 2012 funding |
Louisiana | -$896 | -8.5% |
Indiana | -$466 | -4.2% |
Maine | -$116 | -4.0% |
Connecticut | -$225 | -3.5% |
Massachusetts | -$308 | -2.4% |
Missouri | -$250 | -2.1% |
New Mexico | -$115 | -1.9% |
Kentucky | -$162 | -1.7% |
Illinois | -$320 | -1.6% |
Washington | -$159 | -1.5% |
Minnesota | -$135 | -1.4% |
Michigan | -$248 | -1.3% |
District of Columbia | -$35 | -1.2% |
South Carolina | -$99 | -1.2% |
Pennsylvania | -$295 | -1.2% |
South Dakota | -$18 | -1.2% |
North Dakota | -$16 | -1.1% |
Alabama | -$62 | -0.7% |
Nebraska | -$18 | -0.6% |
Rhode Island | -$14 | -0.6% |
Kansas | -$22 | -0.5% |
Hawaii | -$12 | -0.5% |
California | -$252 | -0.4% |
Delaware | -$2 | -0.1% |
Georgia | -$7 | 0.0% |
Utah | $2 | 0.0% |
Wyoming | $1 | 0.1% |
Montana | $8 | 0.4% |
Maryland | $44 | 0.5% |
North Carolina | $95 | 0.6% |
Wisconsin | $69 | 0.7% |
Iowa | $55 | 1.0% |
Colorado | $79 | 1.2% |
Texas | $499 | 1.2% |
Oregon | $90 | 1.2% |
Ohio | $284 | 1.3% |
New Jersey | $171 | 1.3% |
Nevada | $46 | 1.4% |
West Virginia | $76 | 1.7% |
Florida | $571 | 2.0% |
Arkansas | $139 | 2.2% |
New Hampshire | $36 | 2.2% |
Alaska | $64 | 2.5% |
Mississippi | $189 | 2.5% |
Virginia | $271 | 2.7% |
New York | $1,575 | 2.9% |
Arizona | $411 | 3.2% |
Tennessee | $429 | 3.2% |
Oklahoma | $289 | 4.1% |
Idaho | $147 | 5.3% |
Vermont | $91 | 5.6% |
Note: These totals do not include funding for Federal Highway Administration programs whose funding was reduced or zeroed out due to the reclassification of program funding under MAP-21.
Source: Author's analysis of Federal Funds Information for States data
This chart appears in:
Previous chart: « Change in states’ fiscal 2013 federal grant funding resulting from the March 1 sequestration
Next chart: Average and median annual family income, by age group, pooled years 2009–2011 (2011$) »