Table 1
Medicaid cuts in Ryan budget* ($billions) and job loss, 2013–2017
2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2013–2017 | |
Expansion | $1 | $48 | $81 | $98 | $103 | $331 |
Block grant | 0 | 37 | 47 | 59 | 70 | 213 |
Total cut | 1 | 85 | 128 | 157 | 173 | 544 |
Total job loss | -10,557 | -861,553 | -1,220,599 | -1,410,242 | -1,474,737 | -4,977,690 |
Private-sector job loss | -10,098 | -823,205 | -1,172,795 | -1,353,832 | -1,419,149 | -4,779,080 |
*Cuts from Affordable Care Act repeal and block granting
Sources: Author's analysis of Center on Budget and Policy Priorities data (Park and Broaddus 2012) and Congressional Budget Office (2012b)
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Previous chart: « Federal budget balance as share of GDP, and 10-year real interest rate, 2003–2011
Next chart: Job loss from Medicaid cuts* in Ryan budget, by state, 2013–2017 »