Table 5

Characteristics of workers 18–64 years old, all versus uninsured, 2011

All workers Uninsured workers
18–24 13.2% 17.1%
25–34 22.8% 29.8%
35–44 22.5% 21.9%
45–54 24.1% 19.5%
55–64 17.4% 11.7%
Male 52.5% 58.0%
Female 47.5% 42.0%
White, non-Hispanic 66.2% 46.9%
Black, non-Hispanic 10.8% 13.3%
Hispanic 15.6% 32.2%
Other 7.4% 7.7%
Native born 83.6% 69.4%
Foreign born 16.4% 30.6%
Less than high school 8.8% 20.9%
High school 27.5% 36.5%
Some college 30.5% 28.1%
College 21.9% 11.3%
Post-college 11.2% 3.3%
Wage fifth*
Bottom 20.0% 38.1%
Second 20.0% 28.1%
Middle 20.0% 16.1%
Fourth 20.0% 10.5%
Top 20.0% 7.2%
Work time
Full-time 80.2% 72.2%
Part-time 19.8% 27.8%

* For methodology of construction of wage fifths, see Gould (2010).

Source: Author's analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata

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