Average tax rates before and after corporate tax Income, by income category
Income Category | Before | After |
0-30 | 5.695696 | 5.72298 |
30-40 | 10.14255 | 10.17249 |
40-50 | 12.5109 | 12.54878 |
50-75 | 14.16709 | 14.21065 |
75-100 | 16.2878 | 16.33986 |
100-200 | 20.67058 | 20.73945 |
200-500 | 25.74199 | 25.85253 |
500-1,000 | 29.88619 | 30.03353 |
1,000+ | 31.96063 | 32.13541 |
All | 19.49516 | 19.57206 |
Based on information in Tables 9 and 10 of Joint Committee on Taxation report, Modeling The Distribution Of Taxes On Business Income.
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