Table 6

Median real weekly wages for those who have or want a full-time job, in-home workers versus other workers, 2012

Direct-care aides
Not in-home In-home Percent difference Maids and housekeeping cleaners Nannies Not agency-based Agency-based
Median weekly wage $769 $382 -50.3% $337 $371 $421 $388
Female $687 $379 -44.8% $337 $368 $421 $388
Male $842 $408 -51.5% $415 * $470 $404
U.S. born $800 $380 -52.5% $327 $400 $415 $380
Naturalized U.S. citizen $754 $421 -44.1% $420 $408 $494 $427
Non-naturalized immigrant $505 $359 -29.0% $327 $306 $400 $400
White, non-Hispanic $850 $392 -53.8% $368 $400 $451 $399
Black, non-Hispanic $620 $400 -35.5% $358 $372 $415 $400
Hispanic, any race $551 $350 -36.5% $332 $348 $400 $363
Asian $883 $408 -53.8% $480 $327 * $408
Other $689 $398 -42.2% * * * $398
Not high school graduate $437 $337 -22.9% $306 $295 $348 $358
High school graduate $613 $380 -38.0% $342 $371 $421 $385
Some college $707 $398 -43.7% $400 $374 $505 $391
Bachelor’s degree $1,039 $442 -57.4% $557 $450 * $430
Advanced degree $1,376 $579 -57.9% * * * $579
18–22 $379 $337 -11.1% $259 $272 $337 $358
23–49 $768 $379 -50.6% $327 $400 $456 $388
50+ $883 $403 -54.4% $382 $390 $421 $404

* Indicates limited sample size

Note: To ensure sufficient sample sizes, this table draws from pooled 2010–2012 microdata.

Source: Author's analysis of Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group microdata

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