Media clips

  • Boston Globe March 4, 2015
  • The Washington Post March 3, 2015
  • Diane Rehm Show March 3, 2015
  • Boston Globe March 3, 2015
  • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel March 2, 2015
  • The New York Review of Books February 27, 2015
  • The Economist February 27, 2015
  • The Hill February 27, 2015
  • Marketplace February 26, 2015
  • Associated Press February 26, 2015
  • PBS News Hour February 26, 2015
  • The Washington Post February 25, 2015
  • The Atlantic February 25, 2015
  • CNN Money February 24, 2015
  • Salon February 24, 2015
  • The New York Times February 23, 2015
  • The New Yorker February 23, 2015
  • Associated Press February 23, 2015
  • PBS News Hour February 23, 2015
  • The Guardian February 23, 2015
  • The New York Times February 20, 2015
  • The New York Times February 19, 2015
  • The Nation February 19, 2015
  • The American Prospect February 19, 2015
  • Los Angeles Times February 18, 2015
  • Time Magazine February 18, 2015
  • Boston Globe February 18, 2015
  • CNN Money February 18, 2015
  • Politifact February 18, 2015
  • Huffington Post February 18, 2015