SWA2014-Income | Table 2.19 | Impact of increasing education and experience on hourly wages of individuals in the middle fifth of the income distribution, selected years, 1979–2007 (2011 dollars)

1979 1989 1995 2000 2007 1979–2007
Less than high school 22.4% 14.8% 12.2% 11.7% 9.8% -12.6
High school only 41.6 43.6 39.4 37.4 35.5 -6.1
Some college 21.5 25.6 31.3 32.5 32.4 10.9
College degree 9.4 10.6 13.5 14.2 16.7 7.3
Advanced degree 5.1 5.5 3.7 4.2 5.6 0.5
Average potential experience (years) 17.8 17.3 18.2 19.1 20.0 2.2
Average hourly wages $14.99 $15.14 $14.74 $16.11 $16.35 9.1%
Average hourly wages, 1979 weights* $14.99 $14.60 $14.00 $15.36 $15.33 2.3%

*Hourly wage controlling for changes in education and experience.

Source: Authors' analysis of Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement microdata

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