Figure T

Intergenerational mobility and income inequality in 22 countries

Country Intergenerational earnings elasticity Gini coefficient
Argentina 0.49 0.458
Australia 0.26 0.352
Brazil 0.58 0.539
Canada 0.19 0.326
Chile 0.52 0.523
China 0.6 0.415
Denmark 0.15 0.247
Finland 0.18 0.269
France 0.41 0.327
Germany 0.32 0.283
Italy 0.5 0.36
Japan 0.34 0.249
New Zealand 0.29 0.362
Norway 0.17 0.258
Pakistan 0.46 0.327
Peru 0.67 0.48
Singapore 0.44 0.425
Spain 0.4 0.347
Sweden 0.27 0.25
Switzerland 0.46 0.337
United Kingdom 0.5 0.36
United States 0.47 0.408
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Note: The higher the Gini coefficient, the higher the inequality. The higher the intergenerational earnings elasticity, the lower the extent of mobility.

Source: Authors' adaptation of Corak (2012, Figure 2)

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