Figure C

Average annual wage growth, by telecommunications occupations and wage percentile, 2003–2020

Category Growth rate
Productivity 1.3%
90th percentile 0.9%
50th percentile 0.4%
10th percentile 0.1%
90th percentile 1.2%
50th percentile 0.5%
10th percentile 0.4%
90th percentile 0.4%
50th percentile -0.5%
10th percentile -1.1%
90th percentile 0.2%
50th percentile 0.6%
10th percentile 1.5%
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Source: EPI analysis of  Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics data for OES codes 492022, 499052, and 492021, and Bureau of Labor Statistics Labor Costs and Productivity data for U.S. Nonfarm Economy by Sector–Employees Only. Wages are adjusted for inflation using the CPI-U-RS.

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