Top five EPI blog posts of 2020
In 2020, we saw fissures of inequality become chasms, while aging unemployment systems shut workers out. Education was turned upside down—and we gained new respect for teachers.
We also saw unimaginable job losses, and this past spring our blog post predicting tens of millions of workers would be impacted by the pandemic got a lot of reader attention.
Here’s a countdown of the five most-read EPI blog posts in 2020.
Nearly 20 million workers will likely be laid off or furloughed by July
Updated state numbers project further job losses due to the coronavirus
Not everybody can work from home
Black and Hispanic workers are much less likely to be able to telework
Unemployment filing failures
New survey confirms that millions of jobless were unable to file an unemployment insurance claim
Who are essential workers?
A comprehensive look at their wages, demographics, and unionization rates
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