Figure E
Share of young high school graduates enrolled in college or a university, by gender, 1989–2012
All | Men | Women | Trend (Male) | Trend (All) | Trend (Female) | |
1989 | 44.0% | 43.4% | 44.6% | 44.0% | 44.7% | 45.3% |
1990 | 45.6% | 44.9% | 46.2% | 44.5% | 45.4% | 46.1% |
1991 | 45.7% | 44.8% | 46.5% | 45.0% | 46.1% | 47.0% |
1992 | 46.6% | 45.4% | 47.6% | 45.6% | 46.7% | 47.8% |
1993 | 47.1% | 45.5% | 48.4% | 46.1% | 47.4% | 48.6% |
1994 | 48.8% | 47.1% | 50.3% | 46.6% | 48.1% | 49.4% |
1995 | 48.2% | 46.8% | 49.5% | 47.1% | 48.8% | 50.2% |
1996 | 49.8% | 47.4% | 51.9% | 47.6% | 49.4% | 51.1% |
1997 | 50.5% | 48.6% | 52.2% | 48.1% | 50.1% | 51.9% |
1998 | 52.4% | 50.1% | 54.6% | 48.7% | 50.8% | 52.7% |
1999 | 52.2% | 49.7% | 54.5% | 49.2% | 51.5% | 53.5% |
2000 | 51.4% | 48.4% | 54.1% | 49.7% | 52.1% | 54.4% |
2001 | 52.9% | 51.2% | 54.5% | 50.2% | 52.8% | 55.2% |
2002 | 53.6% | 51.6% | 55.4% | 50.7% | 53.5% | 56.0% |
2003 | 54.1% | 51.2% | 56.8% | 51.3% | 54.2% | 56.8% |
2004 | 56.3% | 52.8% | 59.5% | 51.8% | 54.8% | 57.6% |
2005 | 55.5% | 52.5% | 58.3% | 52.3% | 55.5% | 58.5% |
2006 | 54.6% | 50.8% | 58.1% | 52.8% | 56.2% | 59.3% |
2007 | 56.4% | 53.0% | 59.7% | 53.3% | 56.9% | 60.1% |
2008 | 56.8% | 53.5% | 60.0% | 53.8% | 57.5% | 60.9% |
2009 | 58.4% | 54.8% | 61.8% | 54.4% | 58.2% | 61.8% |
2010 | 59.0% | 55.3% | 62.6% | 54.9% | 58.9% | 62.6% |
2011 | 59.6% | 55.9% | 63.1% | 55.4% | 59.6% | 63.4% |
2012 | 59.7% | 55.6% | 63.6% | 55.9% | 60.2% | 64.2% |
Note: Straight lines are linear trends based on the period 1989–2007. Data are for high school graduates age 17–20. Shaded areas denote recessions.
Source: Authors' analysis of basic monthly Current Population Survey microdata
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