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Books and Studies
2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986
Teachers, Performance Pay, and Accountability
by Scott J. Adams, John Heywood, Richard Rothstein
May 2009
Immigration for Shared Prosperity
by Ray Marshall
April 2009
Organizing Prosperity
by Matt Vidal & David Kosnet
February 2009
The State of Working America 2008/2009
by Jared Bernstein, Lawrence Mishel & Heidi Shierholz
August 2009
Everybody wins, except for most of us: What economics teaches about globalization
by Josh Bivens
November 2008
Love the work, hate the job: Why America’s best workers are unhappier than ever
by David Kusnet
June 2008
Pulling apart: A state-by-state analysis of income trends (2008)
by Jared Bernstein, Elizabeth McNichol, and Andrew Nicholas
April 2008
The Teaching Penalty: Teacher Pay Losing Ground
by Sylvia A. Allegretto, Sean P. Corcoran, and Lawrence Mishel
March 2008
Vouchers and Public School Performance: A Case Study of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program
by Martin Carnoy, Frank Adamson, Amita Chudgar, Thomas F. Luschei, and John F. Witte
October 2007
Enriching Children, Enriching the Nation: Public Investment in High-Quality Prekindergarten
by Robert G. Lynch
May 2007
Talking Past Each Other: What Everyday Americans Really Think (and Elites Don’t Get) About the Economy
by David Kusnet, Lawrence Mishel, and Ruy Teixeira
December 2006
The State of Working America 2006/2007
by Lawrence Mishel, Jared Bernstein, and Sylvia Allegretto
September 2006
All together now: Common sense for a fair economy
by Jared Bernstein
May 2006
Rethinking high school graduation rates and trends
by Lawrence Mishel and Joydeep Roy
April 2006
Bridging the Tax Gap: Addressing the Crisis in Federal Tax Administration
Max B. Sawicky, editor
April 2006
Worker Centers: Organizing Communities at the Edge of the Dream
by Janice Fine
February 2006
Pulling apart: A state-by-state analysis of income trends
by Jared Bernstein, Elizabeth McNichol, and Karen Lyons
January 2006
The Global Class War: How America’s Bipartisan Elite Lost Our Future—and What It Will Take to Win It Back
by Jeff Faux
January 2006
Worker skills and job requirements: Is there a mismatch?
by Michael J. Handel
October 2005
Losing Ground in Early Childhood Education: Declining Workforce Qualifications in an Expanding Industry, 1979-2004
by Stephen Herzenberg, Mark Price, and David Bradley
September 2005
Grading Places: What Do the Business Climate Rankings Really Tell Us?
by Peter Fisher
June 2005
Retirement Income: The Crucial Role of Social Security
by Christian Weller and Edward N. Wolff
May 2005
Racing To The Bottom: How Antiquated Public Policy Is Destroying the Best Jobs in Telecommunications
by Jeffrey H. Keefe
May 2005
The Charter School Dust-Up: Examining the Evidence on Enrollment and Achievement
by Martin Carnoy, Rebecca Jacobsen, Lawrence Mishel, and Richard Rothstein
March 2005
Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, No Jobs: Labor Markets and Informal Work in Egypt, El Salvador, India, Russia, and South Africa
by Tony Avirgan, L. Josh Bivens & Sarah Gammage, eds.
March 2005
The State of Working America 2004/2005
by Lawrence Mishel, Jared Bernstein, and Sylvia Allegretto
January 2005
Exceptional Returns: Economic, Fiscal, and Social Benefits of Investment in Early Childhood Development
by Robert G. Lynch
October 2004
How Does Teacher Pay Compare? Methodological Challenges and Answers
by Sylvia A. Allegretto, Sean P. Corcoran, and Lawrence Mishel
August 2004
Smart Money: Education and Economic Development
by William Schweke
July 2004
Health Insurance Coverage in Retirement: The Erosion of Retiree Income Security
by Christian E. Weller, Jeffrey Wenger, and Elise Gould
June 2004
Class and Schools: Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close the Black-White Achievement Gap
by Richard Rothstein
May 2004
A Failure to Communicate: Reforming Public Policy in the Telecommunications Industry
by Stephen Pociask
May 2004
Rethinking Growth Strategies: How State and Local Taxes and Services Affect Economic Development
by Robert G. Lynch
March 2004
Teacher Quality: Understanding the Effectiveness of Teacher Attributes
by Jennifer King Rice
August 2003
Amtrak privatization: The route to failure
by Elliott D. Sclar
June 2003
The benefits of full employment: When markets work for people
by Jared Bernstein and Dean Baker
April 2003
The State of Working America 2002/2003
by Lawrence Mishel, Jared Bernstein and Heather Boushey
January 2003
Inequality at the starting gate: Social background differences in achievement as children begin school
by Valerie E. Lee and David T. Burkam (University of Michigan)
September 2002
The class size debate
by Lawrence Mishel & Richard Rothstein, editors; Alan B. Krueger, Eric A. Hanushek, & Jennifer King Rice, contributors
June 2002
Retirement Insecurity: The Income Shortfalls Awaiting the Soon-to-Retire
by Edward N. Wolff
May 2002
The FCC’s newspaper-broadcaset cross-ownership rule: An analysis
by Douglas Gomery
March 2002
Market-based Reforms in Urban Education
by Helen F. Ladd
February 2002
Clean Energy and Jobs: A comprehensive approach to climate change and energy policy
by James P. Barrett (Economic Policy Institute) and J. Andrew Hoerner (Center for a Sustainable Economy) with Steve Bernow and Bill Dougherty (Tellus Institute)
February 2002
Shared Work, Valued Care: New norms for organizing market work and unpaid care work
by Eileen Appelbaum, Thomas Bailey, Peter Berg, and Arne L. Kalleberg
December 2001
Hardships in America: The Real Story of Working Families
by Heather Boushey, Chauna Brocht, Bethney Gundersen, and Jared Bernstein
July 2001
School Vouchers: Examining the Evidence
by Martin Carnoy
May 2001
Net Working: Work Patterns and Workforce Policies for the New Media Industry
by Rosemary Batt, Susan Christopherson, Ned Rightor, and Danielle Van Jaarsveld
February 2001
The State of Working America 2000/2001
by Lawrence Mishel, Jared Bernstein, and John Schmitt
January 2001
On Hold: Telecommunications in Rural America
by Lawrence E. Wood and Amy K. Glasmeier
November 2000
How Much Is Enough? Basic Family Budgets for Working Families
by Jared Bernstein, Chauna Brocht, and Maggie Spade-Aguilar
May 2000
MCI WorldCom’s Sprint Toward Monopoly: An Analysis of the Proposed Telecommunications Merger
by Steve Pociask and Jack Rutner
April 2000
Balancing Acts: Easing the Burdens and Improving the Options for Working Families (A Conference Volume)
by Eileen Appelbaum, editor
April 2000
Manufacturing Advantage: Why High-Performance Work Systems Pay Off
by Eileen Appelbaum, Thomas Bailey, Peter Berg, and Arne L. Kalleberg
February 2000
The End of Welfare? Consequences of Federal Devolution for the Nation
by Max Sawicky, ed.
January 2000
Workers on the Edge: Job Insecurity, Psychological Well-Being, and Family Life
by Ines C. Wichert, Jane P. Nolan, and Brendan J. Burchell
January 2000
Crime and work: What we can learn from the low-wage labor market
by Jared Bernstein and Ellen Houston
Pulling apart: A state-by-state analysis of income trends
by Jared Bernstein, Elizabeth C. McNichol, Lawrence Mishel, and Robert Zahradnik
Putting broadband on high speed: New public policies to encourage rapid deployment
by Stephen Pociask
Can Public Schools Learn From Private Schools? Case Studies in the Public & Private Nonprofit Sectors
by Richard Rothstein, Martin Carnoy, and Luis Benveniste
September 1999
Doing Well by Doing Good: The Bottom Line on Workplace Practices
by Ted Baker
July 1999
Taming Global Finance: A Better Architecture for Growth and Equity
by Robert A. Blecker
April 1999
The State of Working America 1998/1999
by Lawrence Mishel, Jared Bernstein and John Schmitt
January 1999
Walking the lifelong tight rope: Negotiating work in the new economy
by Chris Benner, Bob Brownstein and Amy B. Dean
Co-published by EPI and Working Partnerships USA
Bad deal of the century: The worrisome implications of the WorldCom-MCI merger
by Dan Schiller
Committing to care: Labor-management cooperation and hospital restructuring
by Gil Preuss
Defusing the baby boomer time bomb: Projections of income in the 21st century
by Dean Baker
The full returns from Social Security
by Dean Baker
Co-published by EPI and The Century Foundation
Growing together or drifting apart? Working families and business in the new economy
by Chris Benner, with special foreword by Amy B. Dean
Co-published by EPI and Working Partnerships USA
1998 Will the WorldCom-MCI merger tangle the web
by Jeff Keefe
Sharing care: The changing nature of nursing in hospitals
by Gil Preuss
Small consolation: The dubious benefits of small business for job growth and wages
by Dale Belman, Erica L. Groshen, David W. Stevens and Julia Lane
Where’s the Money Going? Changes in the Level and Composition of Education Spending, 1991-96
by Richard Rothstein
November 1997
Clearing the air: The impact of air quality regulations on jobs
by Eli Berman and Linda T.M. Bui
Managing work and family: Nonstandard
work arrangements among managers and professionals
by Roberta M. Spalter-Roth et al
September 1997
Nonstandard work, substandard jobs: Flexible work arrangement in the U.S.
by Arne L. Kallenberg, Edith Rasell, Naomi Cassirer, Barbara F. Reskin, Ken Hudson, David Webster, Eileen Appelbaum and Roberta M. Spalter-Roth
Restoring broadly shared prosperity: A conference volume
by Ray Marshall, ed.
Saving Social Security with stocks: The promises don’t add up
by Dean Baker
Co-published by EPI and The Century Foundation
The Party’s Not Over: A New Vision for the Democrats
by Jeff Faux
Do State & Local Tax Incentives Work?
by Robert G. Lynch
Growing state economies: How taxes and public services affect private-sector performance
by Timothy J. Bartik
Risky business: Private management of public schools
by Craig E. Richards, Rima Shore, and Max B. Sawicky
U.S. trade policy and global growth: New directions in the international economy
Robert A. Blecker, editor
Beware the U.S. model: Jobs and wages in a deregulated economy
by Lawrence Mishel and John Schmitt, eds.
The case for public investment
by Dean Baker and Todd Schafer
Cost and quality matters: workplace innovations in the health care industry
by Ann Greiner
The decade of declining federal aid
by Daphne A. Kenyon
Jobs on the wing: Trading away the future of the U.S. aerospace industry
by Randy Barber and Robert E. Scott
Robbing the cradle: A critical assessment of generational accounting
by Dean Baker
Where’s the money gone?: Changes in the level and composition of education spending
by Richard Rothstein and Karen Hawley Miles
Where’s the payoff?: The gap between black academic progress and economic gains
by Jared Bernstein
Jobs and the Environment: The Myth of a National Trade-Off
by Eban S. Goodstein
Up from Deficit Reduction
by Max Sawicky
Paying the toll: Economic deregulation of the trucking industry
by Michael H. Belzer
Raising the floor: The effects of the minimum wage on low-wage workers
by William E. Spriggs and Bruce W. Klein
New priorities in financing Latin American development: Balancing worker rights, democracy, and financial reform
by Jerome I. Levinson
Economic nationalism and the future of American politics
by Ruy A. Teixeira and Guy Molyneux
A national policy for workplace training: Lessons from state and local experiments
by Rosemary Batt and Paul Osterman
Strategies for workplace training: Lessons from abroad
by Lisa M. Lynch
Contingent Work: A Chart Book on Part-Time and Temporary Employment
by Polly Callaghan and Heidi Hartmann
Converting the Cold War Economy: Investing in Industries, Workers, and Communities
by Ann Markusen and Catherine Hill
Unions and Economic Competitiveness
Lawrence Mishel & Paula B. Voos, editors
Does America Need Cities? An Urban Investment Strategy for National Prosperity
by Walter Hook, Joseph Persky, Elliott Sclar, and Wim Wiewel
Export Controls: Industrial Policy in Reverse
by Robert Kutner
Industrial Policy in Developing Countries: Reconsidering the Real Sources of Export-Led Growth
by Stephen C. Smith
Japanese Auto Transplants and the U.S. Automobile Industry
by Candace Howes
The Myth of the Coming Labor Shortage: Jobs, Skills, and Incomes of America’s Workforce 2000
by Lawrence Mishel and Ruy A. Teixeira
The Roots of the Public Sector Fiscal Crisis
by Max B. Sawicky
Employee Rights in a Changing Economy: The Issue of Replacement Workers (A seminar volume)
by Adrienne Marie Birecree, Charles Craypo, Jeff Faux, Richard Freeman, Julius Getman, William Gould IV, Cynthia Gramm, Carla Lipsig-Mummé, Ray Marshall, Lawrence Mishel, Brian Shell, William Spriggs, and Paul Weiler
Are Americans on a Consumption Binge? The Evidence Reconsidered
by Robert A. Blecker
Deeper in Debt: The Changing Financial Conditions of U.S. Households
by Robert Pollin
Flying Blind: The Failure of Airline Deregulation
by Paul Stephen Dempsey
The Japanese Trade Challenge and the U.S. Response: Addressing the Structural Causes of the Bilateral Trade Imbalance
by Dominick Salvatore
The Low-Wage Challenge to Global Growth: The Labor Cost-Productivity Imbalance in Newly Industrialized Countries
by Walter Russell Mead
Modernizing Manufacturing: New Policies to Build Industrial Extension Services
by Philip Shapira
One-Third of a Nation: A New Look at Housing Affordability in America
by Michael F. Stone
Public Investment and Private Sector Growth: The Economic Benefits of Reducing America’s ‘Third Deficit’
by David Alan Aschauer
Macroeconomic Policy: New Policies to Build Industrial Extension Services (A seminar volume)
by Barry Bosworth, Paul Davidson, Robert Eisner Jeff Faux, James Galbraith Hyman Minsky, Lawrence Summers, Edwrad Yardeni
Short Hours, Short Shrift: Causes and Consequences of Part-Time Work
by Chris Tilly
Trade Deficits and Labor Unions: Myths and Realities
by Thomas Karier
Beyond Free Trade and Protectionism: The Public Interest in a U.S. Auto Policy
by Dan Luria
Capital Flight and the Latin American Debt Crisis
by Manuel Pastor, Jr.
The Consumer Electronics Industry and the Future of American Manufacturing: How the U.S. Lost the Lead and Why We Must Get Back in the Game
by Susan Walsh Sanderson
The Emperor’s New Clothes: Transit Privitization and Public Policy
by Robert Brandwein, K.H. Schaeffer, and Elliott Sclar
Job Displacement and the Rural Worker
by Michael John Podgursky
Keeping Jobs in Fashion: Alternatives to the Euthanasia of the U.S. Apparel Industry
by Richard Rothstein
Managed Trade and Economic Sovereignty
by Robert Kuttner
A Progressive Answer to the Fiscal Deficit
by Arne Anderson
Shortchanging the Workforce: The Job Training Partnership Act and the Overselling of Privatized Training
by John D. Donahue
Strengthening the Progressive Income Tax: The Responsible Answer to America’s Budget Problem
by Richard A. Musgrave
Telecommunications policy, high definition television, and U.S. competitiveness
by Robert B. Cohen and Kenneth Donow
Toward a High-Wage, High-Productivity Service Sector: Service Sector Wages, Productivity and Job Creation in the U.S. and Other Countries
by Lester C. Thurow and Louise Waldstein
Workforce Policies for the 1990s: A New Labor Market Agenda/The Possibilities of Employment Policy
by Ray F.Marshall and Paul Osterman
Manufacturing Numbers: How Inaccurate Statistics Conceal U.S. Industrial Decline
by Lawrence R. Mishel
Prisons for Profit: Public Justice, Private Interests
by John D. Donahue
The State of Working America
by Lawrence Mishel and Jacqueline Simon
Economic Competitiveness: The States Take the Lead
by David Osborne
The Limits of Privitization
by Paul Starr
Declining American Incomes and Living Standards (A seminar volume)
by Barry Bluestone, Jeff Faux, Frank Levy, Lester Thurow and Ralph Whitehead Jr.
No Longer Leading: A Scorecard on U.S. Economic Performance and the Role of the Public Sector Compared with Japan, West Germany and Sweden
by Lucy Gorham