Appendix tables to Raising America’s Pay: Why It’s Our Central Economic Policy Challenge (EPI Briefing Paper No. 378)
Wage Data
Download data | Last updated May 30, 2014
The wage data download contains these tabs:
- 1. Real average hourly compensation of production/nonsupervisory workers and total economy productivity, 1948–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 2. Distribution of employment by multiple of poverty wage, overall and by gender and race/ethnicity, 1973–2013
Wages by wage groups
- 3. Average annual wages, by wage group, 1947–2012 (2012 dollars)
- 4. Hourly wages of all workers, by wage percentile, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 5. Hourly wages of men, by wage percentile, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 6. Hourly wages of women, by wage percentile, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 7. Hourly wages of women as a percent of men’s hourly wages, by wage percentile, 1973–2013
- 8. Hourly wages of non-Hispanic whites, by wage percentile, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 9. Hourly wages of non-Hispanic blacks, by wage percentile, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 10. Hourly wages of Hispanics, by wage percentile, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 11. Hourly wages of non-Hispanic blacks as a percent of non-Hispanic white hourly wages, by wage percentile, 1973–2013
- 12. Hourly wages of Hispanics as a percent of non-Hispanic white hourly wages, by wage percentile, 1973–2013
- 13. Various education wage gaps, 1979–2013
- 14. Hourly wages of workers, by education attainment, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 15. Hourly wages of men, by education attainment, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 16. Hourly wages of women, by education attainment, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 17. Hourly wages of college graduates, by wage percentile, 2000–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 18. Entry-level wages of college graduates, by gender, 1973–2013 (2013 dollars)
- 19. Share of private-sector workers with employer-provided pension coverage, overall and by race/ethnicity and education attainment, 1979–2012
- 20. Share of private-sector workers with employer-provided health insurance, overall and by race/ethnicity and education attainment, 1979–2012
Poverty and Income Data
Download data | Last updated May 29, 2014
The poverty and income data download contains these tabs:
Poverty tables
- 1. Share of bottom-fifth household income from various sources, 1979–2010
- 2. Educational attainment of low-wage workers, 1979–2013
Poverty-level wages
- 3. Distribution of employment by multiple of poverty wage, overall and by gender and race/ethnicity, 1973–2013
Income tables
- 4. Real annual household income, by income group, 1979–2010
- 5. Real annual household income of all households except elderly childless households, by income group, 1979–2010
- 6. Top 1% share of transfer and market-based income, 1979–2010
- 7. Per capita income, by various measures, 1947–2013
- 8. Aggregate income of all households and top 1%, 1979–2010
- 9. Pre-tax income of 20th–80th percentile of all households, by income source, 1979–2010
- 10. Pre-tax income of 20th–80th percentile of all households excluding the elderly childless, by income source, 1979–2010
- 11. Wages and hours worked of working-age households, by income group, selected years, 1979–2012 (2012 dollars)