It is with deep sorrow that EPI announces the passing of Bernard Rapoport, a longtime board member, friend, and supporter of our work.
“B,” as he was affectionately known, was an extraordinary individual. A self-made successful businessman, he never forgot his roots in the hardscrabble Texas world of his youth. He was a passionate fighter against economic inequality and social injustice, and a friend to all who shared in those struggles. He believed deeply that the rich owe something back to society and that their taxes should be far higher than they are today.
He fearlessly supported the causes of working people. From the beginning of EPI’s existence, B understood our important role as a unique source of ideas and information to build the case for an economy that could work for all. He believed deeply in education, in its broadest sense — the maximum development of human capacity for understanding the world, preserving what was good, and changing what was not.
Not the least of his many attributes was his personal kindness and buoyant personality. However frustrated and dispirited I would get with the condition of the world, a half-hour with B would re-energize me for the battle.
He was a great American who loved his country and helped make it a better place through his lifelong work and commitment.
All of us will miss him dearly.