An Economic Policy Institute paper out today backs up Reich’s research. It creates a range of savings across three categories: government expenditures on major safety net programs, increases to FICA revenue, and reductions in spending on the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit. The range falls between $27 billion and $65 billion; the top end is consistent with Reich.
The American Prospect
February 3, 2021
A new report published by economists at the Economic Policy Institute, a progressive think tank, found that increasing the federal minimum wage to $15/hour and eliminating the tipped minimum wage by 2025 would free up $13 billion to $30 billion in taxpayer revenue annually.
February 3, 2021
The Washington, D.C. based Economic Policy Institute has calculated how much employees could earn if the increase in the federal minimum wage is approved by Congress.
“The average affected worker who works year-round receiving an extra $3,300 a year,” according to the policy institute.
Florida Phoenix
February 3, 2021
The government does not keep reliable statistics on the contract workforce, so experts say it is difficult to know exactly how many workers would see a raise if Biden issues the order. But back-of-the-napkin math extrapolated from a Labor Department analysis of a similar proposal suggests around 240,000 workers would be directly impacted, said Heidi Shierholz, the agency’s former chief economist who is now with the Economic Policy Institute. Shierholz said such an estimate would be conservative.
February 3, 2021
Economic Policy Institute, a nonprofit and nonpartisan research organization, recommended assessments over standardized testing during the pandemic.
“The pandemic has exacerbated the limitations of standardized tests,” EPI researchers explained, “which reward a narrow set of skills and more affluent students who have access to specialized instruction.”
“Such (standardized) tests could overwhelm or label children,” EPI continued, “when what they need now are diagnostic assessments and needs-based assessments that assess where they are across a range of domains and what they need going forward.”
Visalia Times Delta
February 3, 2021
The Economic Policy Institute has data on how a $15 minimum wage would impact South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District.
February 3, 2021
And for anyone who pretends to be worried about the deficit, raising the minimum wage is a great deal: According to a new report from the Economic Policy Institute, if the Democrats’ $15 proposal passed, “we estimate that annual government expenditures on major public assistance programs would fall by between $13.4 billion and $31.0 billion.” Tax revenue would go up by billions, too, as people earned higher wages.
Washington Post
February 3, 2021
The campaign — which is called “ProsperUS” — is backed by a spectrum of organizations, from labor (Communications Workers of America) to progressive think tanks (Economic Policy Institute, Center for American Progress) to grass-roots organizers (Indivisible).
The Washington Post
February 3, 2021
Even without an economics degree, Bernstein, whose interest in social work focused on poverty and inequality, has had extensive econometric training. Formerly the Chief Economist and Economic Adviser to Vice President Biden under the Obama administration, Bernstein has also held senior roles at the Economic Policy Institute, a think tank focused on low- and middle-income workers; the U.S. Department of Labor; the Congressional Budget Office; and most recently, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.
Yale Daily News
February 3, 2021
Since 1979, productivity has risen six times faster than hourly compensation for the typical U.S. worker, according to a 2019 analysis from the pro-union Economic Policy Institute.
Cincinnati Enquirer
February 3, 2021