According to a 2022 analysis from the Economic Policy Institute, the unemployment rate among Hispanic workers in Pennsylvania is 8.6% — which is the highest in the country.
February 24, 2023
The Economic Policy Institute, a think tank in Washington, said in a statement that the UC strike, which took place across its 10-campus system, “has been described as the largest higher education strike in U.S. history.”
The Hill
February 24, 2023
If Tesla did retaliate, it wouldn’t be the first. A new study from Economic Policy Institute found that employers in nearly 40 percent of union elections face charges of violating federal law. But remember that it is “charged” and not “found guilty of.” Undoubtedly, the union doesn’t file for every violation and doesn’t get every violation correct. How many violations actually occur isn’t clear, but it is clear that companies often act poorly when it comes to union drives.
February 24, 2023
An Economic Policy Institute study on “right-to-work” in 2021 in Montana found that the median hourly wage of union workers in Montana is $22.85, compared with $16.95 for nonunion workers, and nationally union workers make 11% more.
Daily Montanan
February 24, 2023
And this all reminded me about a conversation I had last year with Heidi Shierholz. She’s the president of the Economic Policy Institute. And last year, we talked about this idea of retaliation against workers organizing unions. And to be clear, we’re talking about this in general, not about Tesla.
HEIDI SHIERHOLZ: It is not legal for employers to retaliate against workers for organizing. It is not legal for employers to fire workers for organizing. So that shouldn’t be happening. This should not be an issue.
February 24, 2023
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) lays the blame for our national tipping culture on the 1966 amendments creating a so-called “tip credit” to the Fair Labor Standards Act. According to EPI, “The creation of the tip credit—the difference, paid for by customers’ tips, between the regular minimum wage and the sub-wage for tipped workers—fundamentally changed the practice of tipping.”
LA Progressive
February 24, 2023
Features Margaret discussing the latest strikes data.
Your Rights at Work
February 24, 2023
Wage theft — when employees are paid less than the required federal and state minimums — is widespread, costing some 2.4 million workers in the 10 most populous states in the country $8 billion a year, according to a 2017 study by the Washington-based Economic Policy Institute. New York is among those states. One in six low-wage workers is a victim of wage theft, with an average loss per employee of $3,300 a year, according to the EPI study.
February 24, 2023
“In the past couple years, we’ve definitely seen a resurgence in the labor movement,” Margaret Poydock, a policy analyst and government affairs specialist at the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute, told Insider. “We’ve seen strong support in labor, because workers can see what unions can do for them. They see that unions can help negotiate better pay, better benefits, safer working conditions. The pandemic kind of revealed how much work sucked.”
Business Insider
February 24, 2023
There are approximately 1.4 million home care workers in the US (an undercount), according to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), the majority of them Black and Hispanic women, who earn a median hourly wage of just over $13 per hour.
February 24, 2023
According to Pew Research and the Economic Policy Institute, wages have grown so slowly since Ramsey first entered the labor market that the average worker’s purchasing power hasn’t measurably budged in the ensuing four decades. But according to the Congressional Budget Office, the households in the country’s top-earning quintile saw their real incomes rise by 111% during that same 40-year period.
GO Banking Rates
February 24, 2023
While allotments of H-2B visas for low- and semi-skilled non-agricultural workers are increased annually, enforcement of the government’s wage and hour rules in this category has deteriorated to the point of disappearing. “The H-2B program’s wage regulations are allowing employers to legally undercut U.S. wage standards and underpay migrant workers,” Daniel Costa of the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reported in 2021.
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
February 24, 2023
Facing similiar prospects across the Pacific, a report published in April 2022 by United States Economic Policy Institute Research Director Josh Bivens echoed similar. The institute’s report details the overheating view of the economy often emphasises the fast nominal wage growth of the past year as justification for the arguments of policymakers.
February 24, 2023
A main cause for the widening income disparity is the huge pay gap. According to Equilar, the median income of CEOs of listed companies in 2021 was 20 million dollars, up 31 percent from 2020, while that of average employees increased from around 69,000 dollars to some 72,000 dollars, up about 4 percent. According to a study by the Economic Policy Institute, CEO pay had skyrocketed by 1,322 percent between 1978 and 2020, while typical worker compensation had risen just 18 percent.
Global Times
February 24, 2023
It’s as firms have been using the classification of “gig workers” to underpay employees as well in the last few years. A recent study from the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute (EPI) found that workers were losing out on thousands of dollars in lost pay and benefits because of it.
Business Insider
February 24, 2023
Advocates and experts also point to expanded access to no or low-cost early childhood education as a solution that not only benefits children but parents and the economy as a whole. Colorado ranks eighth in the country for most expensive child care, with an average annual cost of $15,325, according to the Economic Policy Institute.
February 24, 2023
Sebastian Martinez Hickey, a research assistant at the Economic Policy Institute, a nonprofit think tank, said wages for nursing home employees had been extremely low even before the pandemic. He said the focus needs to be on raising Medicaid reimbursement rates beyond inflationary factors.
Kaiser Health News
February 24, 2023
First, there are lessons to be learned from the prior recessions and how employees of color have fared. During the great recession, unemployment was highest among Black and hispanic employees, just as it was during every recession since ethnicity started to be tracked in the 1970s. Even when the economy bounced back, unemployment remained in the double digits for more than six years for Black employees. Moreover, according to the Economic Policy Institute, it took more than a decade for Black and Asian households to recover their prerecession median incomes.
Fast Company
February 24, 2023
The Ohio River Valley Institute says, according to the Economic Policy Institute, it costs about $58,000 for a family of three in Letcher County, KY to “attain a modest yet adequate standard of living.
February 24, 2023
A 2022 American Federation of Teachers survey found 74% of educators dissatisfied with their job, up from 41% in 2020, and 40% said they planned to quit in the next one to two years. Teachers are also paid less than other college-educated workers and wages have remained relatively flat since 1996, the Economic Policy Institute found in August.
February 24, 2023
Going in-depth, according to the Economic Policy Institute, families with two children in the Metro area spend an average of more than $600 a month on taxes. That data was collected using costs from 2020, so with inflation, we know that number is even greater now.
News Channel 5 Nashville
February 24, 2023
There is no reason why the department of labor allows this kind of unpaid labor to exist under the guise of offering interns valuable experience. First, the majority of unpaid interns spend their days taking coffee orders, answering phones, and making copies. The Economic Policy Institute found that many top business internships offered “no explicit academic or training component.” This work, while shameless and, often, thankless, should not be made illegal.
Hillsdale Collegian
February 24, 2023
The bill is endorsed by: American Civil Liberties Union, Brennan Center for Justice, Center for Law and Social Policy, Economic Policy Institute, Human Rights Watch, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, National Employment Law Project, Safer Foundation, Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ, Tzedek Association, and Vera Institute of Justice.
Sen. Cory Booker
February 24, 2023
Though productivity is now higher than ever, compensation for workers has lagged far behind since the precipitous rise of U.S. neoliberalism in the 1980s; according to the Economic Policy Institute, while productivity has risen by 65 percent since the late 1970s, hourly pay has only risen by 18 percent. At the same time, CEOs, reaping the benefits of increased worker productivity, saw their pay skyrocket by a staggering 1,460 percent.
February 24, 2023
As a counterweight to Brainard and the rest of the undertow, the reliably progressive Jared Bernstein was promoted to chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. This is a huge plus. Bernstein, former research chief of the Economic Policy Institute, served as Biden’s own economic adviser in the Obama Administration, here he was often the only progressive in a coven of neoliberals dominated by Summers.
American Prospect
February 24, 2023
During the Trump administration, the NLRB became an ally of corporate America. According to the Economic Policy Institute, it delivered on all top 10 demands to roll back workers’ rights issued in a U.S. Chamber of Commerce wish list.
February 24, 2023
Robert Scott, a senior economist and Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Research at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., stated that “growing imports eliminate existing jobs and prevent new job creation.” As low-cost imports from countries such as China and Vietnam become more prevalent, US-based goods-producing companies are finding it challenging to compete, leading to job losses and wage stagnation. Historically, goods-producing jobs have paid higher wages than service jobs, and the trend of manufacturing job losses has a negative impact on the living standards of workers.
Southern Maryland Chronicle
February 24, 2023
The 2% inflation target has been repeated so often by Fed officials and central bankers worldwide that it seems absolutely crucial to a healthy economy. But “the 2% inflation target, it’s relatively arbitrary,” said Josh Bivens, director of research at the Economic Policy Institute.
February 24, 2023
As a share of the economy, the U.S. trade deficit in manufactured goods last year reached an all-time high of 4.7 percent. American companies bought $1.2 trillion more in manufactured goods than they sold to foreign customers, according to an analysis of U.S. government data by economist Rob Scott, a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning nonprofit organization.
The Washington Post
February 24, 2023
But, “the 2% inflation target, it’s relatively arbitrary,” Josh Bivens, director of research at the Economic Policy Institute, told CNBC.
February 24, 2023