State RTT grants as a share of state education budgets
State | FY 2011 education budget (billions) | Total grant/4 | Share of annual budget in 2011 |
Delaware | $2.060 | $119 million/4 = $29.7 million/year | 1.44% |
District of Columbia | $1.547 | $75 million/4 = $18.75 million/year | 1.21% |
Florida | $14.243 | $700 million/4= $175 million/year | 1.22% |
Georgia | $10.199 | $400 million/4 = $100 million/year | 0.98% |
Hawaii | $1.712 | $75 million/4 = $18.75 million/year | 1.1% |
Maryland | $7.119 | $250 million/4 = $62.5 million/year | 0.87% |
Massachusetts | $6.194 | $250 million/4 = $62.5 million/year | 1.01% |
New York | $27.522 | $697 million/4 = $174.25 million/year | 0.63% |
North Carolina | $9.360 | $400 million/4 = $100 million/year | 1.07% |
Ohio | $10.645 | $400 million/4 = $100 million/year | 0.94% |
Rhode Island | $1.133 | $75 million/4 = $18.75 million/year | 1.65% |
Tennessee | $5.204 | $501 million/4 = $125.25 million/year | 2.40% |
Source: For the 11 state Race to the Top (RTT) Round I and II winners, state education budgets were derived from NASBO (2012). Actual fiscal 2011 data for each state, for elementary and secondary education expenditures (Table 7) were employed. The total expenditure data include general fund, federal funds, other state funds, and bonds (and thus include Race to the Top funds, which inflates the percentage by a miniscule amount over its actual amount). Race to the Top grant amounts were rounded to the nearest million from the award letters (U.S. ED 2010). These awards were divided by 4 to calculate an annual amount for each year of the four-year grant period. District of Columbia data were not available in the NASBO report, and were instead pulled from a report by the DC Fiscal Policy Institute (2011, Table 1).
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