National data from The State of Working America 2004/2005 — Posted March 2005
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Labor force participation rates, 1954-2004 [pdf] [xls]
Employment by full-time and part-time status, 1955-2004 [ pdf] [xls]
Part-time employment as a percent of total employment by gender, 1968-2004 [pdf] [xls]
Unemployment: rate and share unemployed for 27 months or more [pdf] [xls]
Unemployment rates, 1948-2004 [pdf] [xls]
Average weeks of unemployment and the unemployment rate, 1948-2004 [pdf] [xls]
Underemployment rate and its components, 1994-2004 [pdf] [xls]
Change in private sector employer-provided health insurance coverage, 1979-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Change in private sector employer-provided pension insurance coverage, 1979-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Wage and Compensation Trends
Real and current values of the minimum wage, 1960-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Share of all workers earning poverty-level hourly wages, 1973-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Dimensions of wage inequality, log wage differentials, 1973-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Hourly wage decile cutoffs for all workers, 1973-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Hourly wage decile cutoffs for male workers, 1973-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Hourly wage decile cutoffs for female workers, 1973-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Hourly and weekly earnings of production and nonsupervisory workers, 1947-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Real hourly wage for all by education, 1973-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Men’s real hourly wage by education, 1973-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Women’s real hourly wage by education, 1973-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers (25 years and older), annual averages (2004 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Estimated wage premium for college and high school graduates, 1973-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Productivity and median and average compensation, 1973-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Decomposition of total and within-group wage inequality, 1973-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Union coverage in the United States, 1973-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Family Earnings and Income Trends
Median family income, 1947-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Annual work hours for middle-income husbands and wives with children, age 25-54, 1979-2002 [pdf] [xls]
Mean family income by quintile and top 5%, 1966-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Family income limits by quintile and top 5%, 1947-2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Share of aggregate family income by quintile and and top 5%, 1947-2003 [pdf] [xls]
Families by median and mean income by race of householder, 1947 to 2003 (2003 dollars) [pdf] [ xls]
Growth of family work hours compared to average weekly hours, 1975-2002 (1975=100) [pdf] [xls]
Average real after-tax income levels, 1979-2001, by income group (2001 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Average real pre-tax income levels, 1979-2001, by income group (2001 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Growth of average hourly wages, benefits, and compensation, 1948-2002 (2002 dollars) [pdf] [xls]
Consumer price index all urban consumers (CPI-U) (1982-84=100) [pdf] [xls]
Consumer price index research series using current methods (CPI-U-RS), (1977=100) [pdf] [xls]
See also Appendix A and Appendix B from The State of Working America 2004-05.