Figure B

The 2010s recovery was weighed down by persistent fiscal austerity: Cumulative growth in real government per capita spending across business cycles, by number of quarters since recession's trough

Quarters since trough 1949Q4 1954Q2 1958Q2 1961Q1 1970Q4 1975Q1 1980Q3 1982Q4 1991Q1 2001Q4 2009Q2 
-6 92.79903
-5 94.42455 96.86089 93.1549
-4 92.97881 104.5763 97.76742 95.9536 97.26268 98.41396
-3 95.80659 103.7704 95.68662 95.6534 97.96079 96.90702 97.1442 97.21738 95.26491
-2 99.68691 103.7435 97.34544 97.21321 99.11551 97.38414 99.6841 97.67438 98.68033 98.40091 95.54005
-1 101.0297 102.2883 97.44405 97.94855 99.51544 97.9963 99.37112 98.52386 99.19218 98.76741 97.47838
0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1 106.652 99.00479 100.6313 100.3652 99.50026 101.2492 99.24907 100.3054 100.3142 101.6368 99.52924
2 101.2557 98.62369 101.5953 101.3941 100.6452 102.1758 99.73392 100.705 99.99911 102.4237 99.4363
3 97.5566 99.12395 100.704 102.7161 100.4491 102.3636 99.28496 100.8003 99.87627 102.5812 100.3436
4 101.5171 98.39362 101.1484 103.7797 100.2865 102.6974 99.83932 99.84297 101.2984 102.879 100.2655
5 107.3538 98.55248 101.4558 103.8774 101.0244 101.4687 100.5263 101.3832 103.0006 99.54466
6 116.9505 97.05224 100.7513 105.4147 101.2774 101.4071 101.735 101.5793 103.5206 98.79907
7 125.7723 97.07004 99.66259 106.0131 100.2924 101.1465 102.2704 101.3158 103.4658 97.75721
8 129.7541 98.39858 100.6858 105.6846 102.611 101.5311 103.7657 100.9122 103.7324 97.01971
9 131.6787 97.81254 105.3738 103.2787 101.5467 104.8214 100.7311 104.192 95.85859
10 135.4297 99.366 108.5523 102.8074 102.0295 106.1938 100.6341 104.3718 95.38564
11 135.852 101.1222 108.0357 102.2027 101.8212 107.7791 100.6285 104.5238 94.67948
12 137.5306 101.243 108.6355 102.7584 101.591 108.055 100.3789 104.5423 94.15164
13 140.9415 101.7904 109.3489 102.5296 109.0963 100.6532 105.1607 93.95881
14 142.3413 109.443 103.4517 110.6795 101.4527 105.1287 93.48459
15 109.5364 103.7356 112.2495 101.0538 105.31 93.41973
16 109.9874 102.9802 112.1538 101.6724 105.408 93.28635
17 111.1166 102.9627 112.5128 101.9055 107.1431 92.95273
18 114.9528 103.8694 112.9643 101.6099 107.1671 92.41171
19 116.0413 103.9585 112.7088 100.9847 107.072 92.23086
20 117.8536 104.6344 113.646 101.6527 107.9508 92.3369
21 119.1939 113.8692 102.2766 108.5867 92.6896
22 121.8915 113.9332 102.1348 109.1526 92.86114
23 124.5182 113.7117 102.4409 109.4264 93.67068
24 128.8423 114.9939 102.4443 109.7915 94.35335
25 128.7783 115.7054 103.0859 94.55128
26 130.0413 116.6918 103.2984 94.62728
27 131.0418 117.5117 103.6022 95.08481
28 133.4422 118.2052 103.7908 94.95413
29 134.9219 119.8691 104.8758 94.9973
30 135.7141 119.8933 105.4035 94.87157
31 136.0944 119.8235 105.7598 94.9922
32 136.8323 106.5886 94.96186
33 136.9189 106.9218 94.83272
34 137.3127 107.6688 95.0302
35 136.3535 108.5848 95.41862
36 108.3443 95.74696
37 109.2122 96.37835
38 108.9711 96.77549
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Notes: For total government spending, government consumption and investment expenditures are deflated with the NIPA price deflator. Government transfer payments are deflated with the price deflator for personal consumption expenditures. This figure includes state and local government spending.

Source: EPI analysis of data from Tables 1.1.4, 3.1, and 3.9.4 from the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

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