
Year CEO annual compensation (thousands)* Worker annual compensation (thousands) Stock Market (adjusted to 2012) CEO-to-worker compensation ratio***
Options realized Options granted Private-sector production/nonsupervisory workers Firms’ industry** S&P 500 Dow Jones Options realized Options granted
1965 807 765 39.3 n/a           562             5,805 20.1 18.3
1973 1,054 1,000 46.7 n/a           496             4,268 22.1 20.1
1978 1,442 1,368 48.6 n/a           310             2,652 29.0 26.5
1989 2,685 2,547 44.9 n/a           578             4,488 58.5 53.3
1995 5,684 6,303 44.5 50.8           810             6,731 122.6 136.8
2000 19,880 20,386 46.8 53.1        1,903           14,298 383.4 411.3
2007 18,274 12,739 49.2 53.2        1,636           14,593 351.3 244.1
2009 10,243 9,838 51.5 56.5        1,015             9,512 193.2 181.6
2010 12,286 11,225 52.0 57.2        1,200           11,235 227.9 205.9
2011 12,484 11,558 51.5 56.8        1,294           12,206 231.8 214.6
2012 14,074 10,735 51.2 56.4        1,379           12,965 272.9 202.3
Percent Change Change in ratio
196578 78.7% 78.7% 23.7% n/a -44.8% -54.3% 8.9 8.1
1978–2000 1279% 1390% -3.6% n/a 513% 439% 354.4 384.9
2000–12 -29.2% -47.3% 9.4% 6.3% -27.5% -9.3% -110.5 -209.0
1978–2012 876% 685% 5.4% n/a 344% 389% 214.4 149.0

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