Table 1

Current account, foreign exchange reserves and GDP of Asian and European countries, 2017 (billions of U.S. dollars)

Country Current account (CA) balance CA as a share of GDP GDP Foreign exchange reserves
China 164.9 1.4% 12,014.6 3,139.9
Hong Kong 10.3 3.0% 341.7 431.3
Korea 78.5 5.1% 1,538.0 379.5
Singapore 61.0 18.8% 323.9 277.8
Taiwan 80.1 13.8% 579.3 451.5
Japan 195.4 4.0% 4,872.1 1,202.6
Euro Area 442.4 3.5% 12,607.5 269.1
Denmark 24.6 7.6% 324.5 70.1
Sweden 17.0 3.2% 538.6 53.5
Switzerland 63.2 9.3% 678.6 762.2
Sum 1137.4 3.4% 33,818.8 7,037
EU Founding countries
Belgium 0.5 0.1% 494.7
France -36.8 -1.4% 2,583.6
Germany 296.6 8.0% 3,684.8
Italy 56.1 2.9% 1,937.9
Luxembourg 3.4 5.5% 62.4
Netherlands 80.9 9.8% 825.7

Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2018

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