
Net U.S. jobs displaced due to goods trade deficit with China, by congressional district, 2006–2013 (ranked by growth in the dollar value of exports, as reported by the Wall Street Journal)

Rank State State district # Jobs supported by exports Jobs displaced by imports Net jobs  displaced District employment Jobs displaced as a share of employment
100 Washington 2 1,000 2,700 1,700 318,900 0.5%
339 New York 12 600 4,500 3,900 418,800 0.9%
421 New York 10 400 3,000 2,600 360,300 0.7%
161 Washington 9 900 4,300 3,400 341,400 1.0%
99 Washington 1 1,000 6,700 5,700 332,300 1.7%
223 Washington 7 800 5,200 4,400 380,000 1.2%
350 Texas 18 600 8,600 8,000 306,400 2.6%
210 Texas 2 800 9,800 9,000 364,600 2.5%
182 Louisiana 3 800 1,800 1,000 328,100 0.3%
55 Oregon 1 1,200 20,100 18,900 377,200 5.0%
Total* 357,600 1,787,600 1,430,000 140,399,600 1.0%

Note:  *Subcategory and overall totals may vary slightly due to rounding.

Source: Authors' analysis of U.S. Census Bureau (2013), U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC 2014), Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 2014b), and BLS Employment Projections program (BLS-EP 2014a and 2014b). For a more detailed explanation of data sources and computations, see the appendix.

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