Table 1

States with minimum wage increases effective January 1, 2017

States with minimum wage increase Amount of wage increase New wage on Jan. 1, 2017 Reason for change Directly affected workers* Share of state’s wage-earning workforce Total increase in annual wages
Alaska $0.05 $9.80 Inflation adjustment 6,000 2.1% $1,962,000
Arizona $1.95 $10.00 Legislation 328,000 11.8% $648,000,000
Arkansas $0.50 $8.50 Legislation 54,000 4.5% $38,800,000
California $0.50 $10.50 Legislation 1,726,000 10.7% $1,481,965,000
Colorado $0.99 $9.30 Legislation 141,000 5.7% $160,221,000
Connecticut $0.50 $10.10 Legislation 119,000 7.6% $60,558,000
Florida $0.05 $8.10 Inflation adjustment 187,000 2.2% $38,739,000
Hawaii $0.75 $9.25 Legislation 28,000 4.7% $22,422,000
Maine $1.50 $9.00 Legislation 38,000 6.9% $56,698,000
Massachusetts $1.00 $11.00 Legislation 291,000 9.2% $366,992,000
Michigan $0.40 $8.90 Legislation 188,000 4.5% $113,483,000
Missouri $0.05 $7.70 Inflation adjustment 39,000 1.4% $8,941,000
Montana $0.10 $8.15 Inflation adjustment 11,000 2.7% $2,679,000
New Jersey $0.06 $8.44 Inflation adjustment 98,000 2.4% $39,721,000
New York** $0.70 $9.70 Legislation 515,000 6.2% $473,364,000
Ohio $0.05 $8.15 Inflation adjustment 158,000 3.2% $25,268,000
South Dakota $0.10 $8.65 Inflation adjustment 8,000 2.1% $2,528,000
Vermont $0.40 $10.00 Legislation 10,000 3.3% $6,736,000
Washington $1.53 $11.00 Legislation 332,000 10.7% $631,819,000
Total 4,277,000 $4,180,896,000


* Directly affected workers will see their wages rise because the new minimum wage rate exceeds their current hourly pay. This does not include additional workers who may receive a wage increase through "spillover" effects, as employers adjust overall pay scales.

** New York's minimum wage increase took effect on December 31, 2016.

Note: Totals may not sum due to rounding. "Legislation" indicates that the new rate was established by the legislature or through a ballot measure. "Inflation adjustment" indicates that the new rate was established by a formula, reflecting the change in prices over the preceding year.

Source: EPI analysis of Current Population Survey 2015Q4-2016Q3

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