Table 2

Examples of effective replacement rates for unemployment benefits by worker earnings level, accounting for minimum and maximum benefit amounts

Earnings level

If a worker’s average weekly wage is

Effective replacement rate

The worker’s unemployment benefits equal

50% of state’s average weekly wage At least 85% of preseparation wages*
100% of state’s average weekly wage 78% of preseparation wages
125% of state’s average weekly wage 72% of preseparation wages
150% of state’s average weekly wage 68% of preseparation wages
200% of state’s average weekly wage 64% of preseparation wages
300% of state’s average weekly wage 50% of preseparation wages
500% of state’s average weekly wage 30% of preseparation wages

Note: The effective replacement rate is how much of a worker’s preseparation wages the worker gets in UI benefits. It is the net effect when the different replacement rates in Table 4.1 are applied to different portions of preseparation wages and added together and any minimums or maximums accounted for. The "At least" qualifier in row one accounts for the $250 floor on minimum benefits. If $250 > 85%*50% of the state’s average weekly wage, then the worker would get more than 85% of their preseparation wage.

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