Occupation distribution by wage level, 2012- 2022

 Level (000)  Share
Wage Ranking Number of occupations Annual wage range 2012  2022 2012 2022
Low 49 0-$22,240  29,043 32,112 20.02% 19.99%
Lower-middle 223 $22,320-$34,990 43,490 47,944 29.98% 29.84%
Upper-middle 445 $35,060-$77,560 57,982 64,100 39.97% 39.90%
High 97 $78,270-$>187,200 14,540 16,513 10.02% 10.28%

Note: occupations are ranked by median annual wages in 2012. Occupation distribution excludes actors, dancers, musicians and entertainers due to the lack of information on wages.

Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections (2013)

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