Table 4.34

Union premiums for health, retirement, and paid leave benefits

Difference  Union premium
Union Nonunion Unadjusted Adjusted*
Health insurance
Percent covered 83.5% 62.0% 21.5 17.5 28.2%
Employee deductible $200 $300 -$100 -$54 -18.0%
Employer share
Single plan 88.3% 81.8% 6.5 9.1 11.1%
Family plan 76.3% 64.9% 11.4 10.1 15.6%
Retiree health coverage 76.6% 59.8% 16.7 14.6 24.4%
Percent covered 71.9% 43.8% 28.1 23.6 53.9%
Employer costs (per hour)
Defined benefit $0.39 36.1%
Defined contribution -0.11 -17.7%
Time off
Vacation weeks 2.98 2.35 0.63 26.6%
Paid holiday/vacation (hours) 22.2 14.3%

* Adjusted for establishment size, occupation, industry, and other factors. Adjusted difference is used to calculate premium.

Source: Buchmueller, DiNardo, and Valletta (2001) and Mishel and Walters (2003, Table 4)

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