Figure D

Quit rate as a function of the residual wage, by gender

Men Women
-1 0.207644 0.163072
-0.9 0.230153 0.155194
-0.8 0.225035 0.148415
-0.7 0.239974 0.138315
-0.6 0.206351 0.119804
-0.5 0.164454 0.082962
-0.4 0.122331 0.078079
-0.3 0.111737 0.046905
-0.2 0.053268 0.028947
-0.1 0.016935 0.018077
0 0 0
0.1 -0.01768 -0.00318
0.2 -0.02599 -0.00241
0.3 -0.03634 -0.01379
0.4 -0.04614 -0.00118
0.5 -0.04797 -0.00682
0.6 -0.03457 -0.0044
0.7 -0.03519 -0.00167
0.8 -0.03888 -0.00376
0.9 -0.02095 0.010457
1 -0.0405 0.016926
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Notes: Authors’ calculations using SIPP data from the 2004, 2008, and 2014 panels. Slope of each line for each group represents the quit elasticity, with steeper slopes representing a higher elasticity. Residual wage is the hourly wage adjusted for demographic characteristics, human capital, and survey year. The y-axis is the quit rate at each residual wage level relative to the quit rate at a residual wage of zero, or the average residual wage. Differences along axes are percent differences (e.g., a difference of 0.2 is a 20% difference).

Source: Authors’ analysis of Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) data.

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