Summary of effects in 2028 of increasing the minimum wage to $17 by 2028, by state

State Total workforce Directly affected Share directly affected Indirectly affected Share indirectly affected Total affected Share of the state workforce affected Average annual wage increase of affected workers (2023$) Total annual wage change (2023$, millions) Percent change in average annual wages of affected workers
U.S. total 146,831,000 14,727,000 10.0% 13,131,000 8.9% 27,858,000 19.0% $3,100 $86,352 12.1%
Alabama 1,963,000 349,000 17.8% 192,000 9.8% 541,000 27.5% $4,279 $2,313 17.4%
Alaska 330,000 21,000 6.4% 32,000 9.7% 53,000 16.1% $1,876 $100 6.5%
Arizona 3,021,000 290,000 9.6% 340,000 11.3% 630,000 20.9% $961 $606 3.4%
Arkansas 1,213,000 219,000 18.0% 118,000 9.7% 337,000 27.8% $3,607 $1,215 13.8%
California 18,427,000 * * * * * * * * *
Colorado 2,681,000 161,000 6.0% 231,000 8.6% 392,000 14.6% $1,018 $399 3.7%
Connecticut 1,706,000 14,000 0.8% 35,000 2.1% 50,000 2.9% $6,471 $321 22.8%
Delaware 427,000 61,000 14.2% 44,000 10.2% 104,000 24.4% $2,412 $251 9.4%
District of Columbia 363,000 3,000 0.7% 4,000 1.1% 7,000 1.8% * * *
Florida 8,925,000 1,135,000 12.7% 1,188,000 13.3% 2,323,000 26.0% $1,233 $2,863 4.3%
Georgia 4,552,000 722,000 15.9% 479,000 10.5% 1,202,000 26.4% $4,269 $5,131 17.0%
Hawaii 685,000 * * * * * * * * *
Idaho 721,000 112,000 15.5% 76,000 10.5% 188,000 26.0% $3,519 $661 14.5%
Illinois 5,918,000 570,000 9.6% 600,000 10.1% 1,170,000 19.8% $1,426 $1,669 5.3%
Indiana 2,976,000 407,000 13.7% 314,000 10.5% 721,000 24.2% $3,506 $2,528 14.7%
Iowa 1,479,000 231,000 15.6% 156,000 10.6% 387,000 26.2% $3,258 $1,261 14.0%
Kansas 1,341,000 191,000 14.3% 136,000 10.1% 327,000 24.4% $3,619 $1,184 15.1%
Kentucky 1,825,000 311,000 17.0% 172,000 9.4% 483,000 26.5% $4,156 $2,007 17.6%
Louisiana 1,900,000 420,000 22.1% 191,000 10.1% 611,000 32.1% $5,174 $3,159 20.9%
Maine 600,000 34,000 5.7% 72,000 12.0% 106,000 17.7% $1,285 $136 5.0%
Maryland 2,929,000 197,000 6.7% 190,000 6.5% 387,000 13.2% $2,721 $1,053 10.1%
Massachusetts 3,399,000 30,000 0.9% 440,000 13.0% 471,000 13.8% $1,859 $875 7.2%
Michigan 4,310,000 535,000 12.4% 401,000 9.3% 936,000 21.7% $3,313 $3,101 14.0%
Minnesota 2,715,000 133,000 4.9% 255,000 9.4% 388,000 14.3% $1,462 $567 6.4%
Mississippi 1,162,000 283,000 24.3% 132,000 11.3% 414,000 35.7% $4,822 $1,998 19.1%
Missouri 2,694,000 346,000 12.9% 299,000 11.1% 646,000 24.0% $2,403 $1,552 9.3%
Montana 452,000 64,000 14.1% 49,000 10.9% 113,000 25.0% $2,514 $284 10.5%
Nebraska 922,000 121,000 13.1% 73,000 7.9% 194,000 21.0% $2,212 $428 9.2%
Nevada 1,377,000 176,000 12.7% 205,000 14.9% 380,000 27.6% $2,281 $867 7.5%
New Hampshire 668,000 71,000 10.6% 53,000 8.0% 124,000 18.6% $3,289 $409 14.7%
New Jersey 4,232,000 253,000 6.0% 493,000 11.7% 746,000 17.6% $1,867 $1,392 6.8%
New Mexico 890,000 139,000 15.6% 107,000 12.1% 246,000 27.7% $3,057 $753 11.6%
New York 9,053,000 211,000 2.3% 1,383,000 15.3% 1,595,000 17.6% $1,184 $1,888 4.2%
North Carolina 4,461,000 760,000 17.0% 528,000 11.8% 1,289,000 28.9% $4,240 $5,465 17.1%
North Dakota 367,000 36,000 9.9% 30,000 8.1% 66,000 18.0% $3,404 $224 14.5%
Ohio 5,193,000 724,000 13.9% 548,000 10.5% 1,272,000 24.5% $2,994 $3,807 12.6%
Oklahoma 1,666,000 347,000 20.8% 189,000 11.3% 536,000 32.2% $4,252 $2,279 16.7%
Oregon 1,828,000 * * 141,000 7.7% 141,000 7.7% $626 $88 2.3%
Pennsylvania 5,763,000 724,000 12.6% 508,000 8.8% 1,232,000 21.4% $3,968 $4,890 17.2%
Rhode Island 502,000 36,000 7.2% 48,000 9.5% 84,000 16.7% $2,257 $190 9.0%
South Carolina 2,125,000 364,000 17.1% 220,000 10.4% 584,000 27.5% $4,309 $2,516 17.5%
South Dakota 401,000 51,000 12.8% 44,000 11.0% 96,000 23.8% $2,619 $250 10.6%
Tennessee 2,915,000 493,000 16.9% 293,000 10.1% 786,000 27.0% $4,269 $3,355 17.2%
Texas 13,086,000 2,254,000 17.2% 1,266,000 9.7% 3,521,000 26.9% $4,597 $16,185 18.1%
Utah 1,384,000 167,000 12.1% 142,000 10.3% 309,000 22.4% $3,038 $940 13.5%
Vermont 292,000 21,000 7.3% 24,000 8.4% 46,000 15.7% $1,606 $74 6.5%
Virginia 3,926,000 426,000 10.9% 350,000 8.9% 776,000 19.8% $2,655 $2,061 10.1%
Washington 3,367,000 * * * * * * * * *
West Virginia 684,000 115,000 16.9% 66,000 9.7% 182,000 26.5% $3,742 $679 15.4%
Wisconsin 2,754,000 355,000 12.9% 239,000 8.7% 594,000 21.6% $3,474 $2,063 15.6%
Wyoming 260,000 39,000 15.1% 26,000 9.8% 65,000 24.9% $4,288 $278 17.4%

Notes: Values reflect the population estimated to be affected by the proposed change in the federal minimum wage. Wage changes resulting from scheduled state and local minimum wage laws are accounted for by EPI’s Minimum Wage Simulation Model. Totals may not sum due to rounding. Shares calculated from unrounded values. Directly affected workers will see their wages rise as the new minimum wage rate will exceed their current hourly pay. Indirectly affected workers have a wage rate just above the new minimum wage (between the new minimum wage and 115% of the new minimum). They will receive a raise as employer pay scales are adjusted upward to reflect the new minimum wage. Values marked * cannot be displayed because of sample size restrictions.

Source: Economic Policy Institute Minimum Wage Simulation Model; see Technical Methodology by Cooper, Mokhiber, and Zipperer (2019).

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