25 states and D.C. increased their minimum wages in late 2022 and January 1, 2023: 2022 and 2023 minimum wages, size of increase, and type of increase by state



State 2022 minimum wage 2022 tipped minimum wage 2023 minimum wage 2023 tipped minimum wage Minimum wage increase Tipped minimum wage increase Type of increase
January 1 increases
Alaska $10.34  $10.85  $0.51  Inflation adjustment
Arizona $12.80   $9.80   $13.85   $10.85   $1.05   $1.05  Inflation adjustment
California $15.00  $15.50  $0.50  Inflation adjustment
Colorado $12.56   $9.54   $13.65   $10.63   $1.09   $1.09  Inflation adjustment
Delaware $10.50   $2.23   $11.75   $2.23   $1.25   $0.00 Legislation
Washington D.C. $16.10   $5.35   $16.10   $6.00   $0.00  $0.65  Ballot measure
Illinois $12.00   $7.20   $13.00   $7.80   $1.00   $0.60  Legislation
Maine $12.75   $6.38   $13.80   $6.90   $1.05   $0.52  Inflation adjustment
Maryland $12.50   $3.63   $13.25   $3.63   $0.75   $0.00 Legislation
Massachusetts $14.25   $6.15   $15.00   $6.75   $0.75   $0.60  Legislation
Michigan $9.87   $3.75   $10.10   $3.84   $0.23   $0.09  Legislation
Minnesota $10.33  $10.59  $0.26  Inflation adjustment
Missouri $11.15   $5.58   $12.00   $6.00   $0.85   $0.42  Ballot measure
Montana $9.20   $9.95   $0.75  Inflation adjustment
Nebraska $9.00   $2.13   $10.50   $2.13   $1.50   $0.00 Ballot measure
New Jersey $13.00   $5.13   $14.13   $5.26   $1.13   $0.13  Legislation / Inflation adjustment
New Mexico $11.50   $2.80   $12.00   $3.00   $0.50   $0.20  Legislation
New York $13.20   $8.80   $14.20   $9.45   $1.00   $0.65  Inflation adjustment
Ohio $9.30   $4.65   $10.10   $5.05   $0.80   $0.40  Inflation adjustment
Rhode Island $12.25   $3.89   $13.00   $3.89   $0.75   $0.00 Legislation
South Dakota $9.95   $4.98   $10.80   $5.40   $0.85   $0.42  Inflation adjustment
Vermont $12.55   $6.28   $13.18   $6.59   $0.63   $0.31  Inflation adjustment
Virginia $11.00   $2.13   $12.00   $2.13   $1.00   $0.00 Legislation
Washington $14.49  $15.74  $1.25  Inflation adjustment
October 2022 increases
Florida $10.00   $6.98   $11.00   $7.98   $1.00   $1.00  Ballot measure
Hawaii $10.10   $10.10   $12.00   $11.00   $1.90   $0.90  Legislation

Notes: “Legislation” indicates that the new rate was established by the legislature. “Ballot measure” indicates the new rate was set by a ballot initiative passed by voters. “Inflation adjustment” indicates that the new rate was established by a formula, reflecting the change in prices over the preceding year. New Jersey increased their adjustment beyond the originally scheduled increase due to price increases. New York increase goes into effect 12/31/2022 and is for all areas outside of New York City, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties.

Source: EPI compilation of minimum wage data from state agency websites and state legislation.

View the underlying data on epi.org.