Search results for income inequality (1422)
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On EITC Awareness Day, remember that the EITC and minimum wage work together to raise incomes
Weakened labor movement leads to rising economic inequality
The EITC and minimum wage work together to reduce poverty and raise incomes
Steady contributions, affordability, and lifetime income are the building blocks of a retirement system that works for working families: Expanding Social Security is the most important step
The State of American Retirement Savings: How the shift to 401(k)s has increased gaps in retirement preparedness based on income, race, ethnicity, education, and marital status
Thinking seriously about what ‘fiscal responsibility’ should mean: Full employment and reduced inequality are the most important targets of fiscal policy
What to watch for in the 2018 Census data on earnings, incomes, and poverty
Reining in CEO compensation and curbing the rise of inequality
Fighting inequality is key to preparing for the next recession
Restraining the power of the rich with a 10 percent surtax on incomes over $2 million*