Search results for income inequality (1427)
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Gender inequality and bargaining in the U.S. labor market: Why care work is undervalued
Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 would lift the pay of 32 million workers: A demographic breakdown of affected workers and the impact on poverty, wages, and inequality
Moral policy = good economics: What’s needed to lift up 140 million poor and low-income people further devastated by the pandemic
Preempting progress: State interference in local policymaking prevents people of color, women, and low-income workers from making ends meet in the South
Household income gains welcome in 2019 Census data, but may not be as strong as they first appear
News from EPI › Income gains from 2019 Census report illustrate the importance of getting closer to full employment during the recovery
A majority of workers are fearful of coronavirus infections at work, especially Black, Hispanic, and low- and middle-income workers: Those facing risks are not proportionately receiving extra compensation
Black workers face two of the most lethal preexisting conditions for coronavirus—racism and economic inequality
News from EPI › Racism and economic inequality have predisposed black workers to be most hurt by coronavirus pandemic
The U.S. federal tax and spending system is the biggest tool to combat inequality, but it could do much more