Search results for income inequality (1427)
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A record share of earnings was not subject to Social Security taxes in 2021: Inequality’s undermining of Social Security has accelerated
Inequality in annual earnings worsens in 2021: Top 1% of earners get a larger share of the earnings pie while the bottom 90% lose ground
Household incomes have fallen since 2019 despite growth in workers’ earnings
News from EPI › New report shows that rising inequality has reduced U.S. economic growth
Stagnant top-code thresholds threaten data reliability for the highest earners and make inequality difficult to accurately measure
Reclaiming corporate tax revenues: Corporate income tax revenues are critical to the ability of state and local governments to provide basic services to their residents
Wage inequality continued to increase in 2020: Top 1.0% of earners see wages up 179% since 1979 while share of wages for bottom 90% hits new low
President Biden’s budget shows what true ‘fiscal responsibility’ means: Pushing the economy closer to full employment, reducing inequality, and measuring the debt burden more accurately
The failure of automation and skill gaps to explain wage suppression or wage inequality
Identifying the policy levers generating wage suppression and wage inequality