Search results for income inequality (1424)
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Chair Yellen Is Right: Income and Wealth Inequality Hurts Economic Mobility
Thomas Piketty on Wealth, Income and Inequality
A review of the economic research on the effects of raising ordinary income tax rates: Higher revenue, unchanged growth, and uncertain but potentially large reductions in the growth of inequality
Inequality and income losses in the recession: It’s all about lost work
Back to Shared Prosperity: The Growing Inequality of Wealth and Income in America
Strong income growth, falling poverty rates in ‘98, yet inequality unchanged
The strong labor market recovery has helped Hispanic workers, but the end of economic relief measures has worsened income and poverty disparities
Testimony in support of SB 170 and SB 171 before the Michigan Senate Labor Committee: Repeal of Michigan laws preempting local labor standards will empower communities to address inequality, boost low wages, and ensure major public investments generate good jobs
Increasing the Maryland minimum wage to $15 in 2023 would boost incomes for low-wage workers and advance gender and racial justice: Testimony in support of the Fair Wage Act of 2023 (SB 555) before the Maryland Senate Finance and Budget and Taxation Committees
Increasing the Maryland minimum wage to $15 in 2023 would boost incomes for low-wage workers and advance gender and racial justice: Testimony in support of the Fair Wage Act of 2023 (HB 549) before the Maryland House of Delegates Economic Matters Committee