Search results for racial wealth gap (250)
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The growing housing supply shortage has created a housing affordability crisis
Public education funding in the U.S. needs an overhaul: How a larger federal role would boost equity and shield children from disinvestment during downturns
Race and ethnicity in empirical analysis: How should we interpret the race variable?
The myth of race-neutral policy
Advancing anti-racist economic research and policy: Perspectives and resources on race, ethnicity, and the economy
News from EPI › New essay series and chartbook offer perspectives on advancing anti-racist economic research and policy
The role of local government in protecting workers’ rights: A comprehensive overview of the ways that cities, counties, and other localities are taking action on behalf of working people
Inequality’s drag on aggregate demand: The macroeconomic and fiscal effects of rising income shares of the rich
Abortion rights are economic rights: Overturning Roe v. Wade would be an economic catastrophe for millions of women
Worker mobility in practice: Is quitting a right, or a luxury?
Much has changed since the first May Day, but building worker power and combating racism and xenophobia remain just as important
State of Working America 2021: Measuring wages in the pandemic labor market
Understanding black-white disparities in labor market outcomes requires models that account for persistent discrimination and unequal bargaining power
How public-sector workers are building power in Virginia
The great reversal: The story of how an influential international organization changed its view on employment security, labor market flexibility, and collective bargaining
States are sitting on American Rescue Plan funds that could help against the Omicron variant
Unions are not only good for workers, they’re good for communities and for democracy: High unionization levels are associated with positive outcomes across multiple indicators of economic, personal, and democratic well-being
Alt-labor’s turn toward politics and public policy to combat the exploitation of low-wage workers: Building power and ‘punching above their weight’
Moral policy = Good economics: Lifting up poor and working-class people—and our whole economy
News from EPI › Economist Heidi Shierholz named president of the Economic Policy Institute
EPI comments on DOL’s draft Strategic Plan and Evidence-Building Plan
News from EPI › Black and Latinx workers are underrepresented in professional occupations
Unions help reduce disparities and strengthen our democracy
The enormous impact of eroded collective bargaining on wages
Gender inequality and bargaining in the U.S. labor market: Why care work is undervalued
So-called right-to-work is wrong for Montana: Research shows RTW law would not boost jobs and could lower wages for both union and nonunion workers
Our deeply broken labor market needs a higher minimum wage: EPI testimony for the Senate Budget Committee