Search results for income inequality (1421)
Showing 1421 results, ordered by date | Order by relevance
Asian Americans and the anti-racist equity agenda: Contradictions and common ground
Stratification economics: A moral policy approach for addressing persistent group-based disparities
Race and ethnicity in empirical analysis: How should we interpret the race variable?
The myth of race-neutral policy
Guiding principles for anti-racist research, the ‘bodycam’ for racial economic injustice
Advancing anti-racist economic research and policy: Perspectives and resources on race, ethnicity, and the economy
News from EPI › New essay series and chartbook offer perspectives on advancing anti-racist economic research and policy
The role of local government in protecting workers’ rights: A comprehensive overview of the ways that cities, counties, and other localities are taking action on behalf of working people
Proposed New York state minimum wage increases would lift wages for more than 2 million workers through 2026: Minimum wages would range by region from $16.35 to $21.25 per hour by 2026
Understanding economic disparities within the AAPI community
News from EPI › New report shows that rising inequality has reduced U.S. economic growth
Inequality’s drag on aggregate demand: The macroeconomic and fiscal effects of rising income shares of the rich
The future of work depends on stopping Amazon’s union busting: Shareholders and policymakers must all play a role in protecting Amazon workers’ rights
Following Dr. Lisa Cook’s historic confirmation to the Federal Reserve Board, we must acknowledge the importance of Black economists for public policy and the economy
Business power and the turn toward the local in employment standards policy and enforcement
Abortion rights are economic rights: Overturning Roe v. Wade would be an economic catastrophe for millions of women
Worker mobility in practice: Is quitting a right, or a luxury?
The U.S. tax code functionally rewards corporations who use anti-union consultants: Congress must take action
Much has changed since the first May Day, but building worker power and combating racism and xenophobia remain just as important
This Workers Memorial Day, honor lives lost by joining workers’ fight for a future that includes safe work
State of Working America 2021: Measuring wages in the pandemic labor market
Stagnant top-code thresholds threaten data reliability for the highest earners and make inequality difficult to accurately measure
Reclaiming corporate tax revenues: Corporate income tax revenues are critical to the ability of state and local governments to provide basic services to their residents
Testimony before the House Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth for a hearing on the impact of corporate power on workers and consumers
Understanding black-white disparities in labor market outcomes requires models that account for persistent discrimination and unequal bargaining power
Codetermination and power in the workplace
One year in, the American Rescue Plan has fueled a fast recovery: Policymakers should use remaining ARPA funds in 2022 to make transformative investments that will build a more equitable economy
Testimony to the Washington State Senate Transportation Committee on ESHB 2076: Concerning rights and obligations of transportation network company drivers and transportation network companies
Profits, wages, and inflation: What’s really going on
The great reversal: The story of how an influential international organization changed its view on employment security, labor market flexibility, and collective bargaining