Search results for income inequality (1418)
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Unemployment insurance claims remain historically high: Congress must reinstate the extra $600 immediately
UI claims and GDP growth are historically bad: Now is not the time to cut benefits that are supporting jobs
Why we still need the $600 unemployment benefit
Joblessness remains at historic levels and there is no evidence UI is disincentivizing work: Congress must extend the extra $600 in UI benefits
Fear at work: An inside account of how employers threaten, intimidate, and harass workers to stop them from exercising their right to collective bargaining
Debt and deficits in the coronavirus recovery: Answers to frequently asked questions
Joblessness remains at historic levels: The extra $600 in UI benefits expires next week—Congress must extend it
Inequities exposed: How COVID-19 widened racial inequities in education, health, and the workforce: Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor
News from EPI › Only 30% of those working outside their home are receiving hazard pay: Black and Hispanic workers are most concerned about bringing the coronavirus home
EPI testimony regarding Title IV of the CARES Act: Testimony before the United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Collective bargaining beyond the worksite: How workers and their unions build power and set standards for their industries
The coronavirus will explode achievement gaps in education
Relief efforts need to do more to protect older workers in a coronavirus economic shutdown
Progressive group leaders to Congress:: Major federal intervention needed to meet scale of crisis; Congress must put people ahead of corporations to save economy
Here are safeguards needed in bailout packages to protect working people and fight corporate greed
COVID-19 pandemic makes clear that we need national paid sick leave legislation
Black-white wage gaps are worse today than in 2000
Part-time workers pay a big-time penalty: Hourly wages-and-benefits penalties for part-time work are largest for those seeking full-time jobs and for men, but affect more women
The Trump budget doesn’t spare seniors
EPI comments on labor peace agreement in Michigan cannabis regulations
Trump’s ‘blue-collar boom’ is likely a dud
The Trump administration’s new housing rules will worsen segregation
Early child care and education in the states
Top charts of 2019: Thirteen charts that clarify what our economic priorities need to be in 2020
Top 1.0% of earners see wages up 157.8% since 1979
Unlawful: U.S. employers are charged with violating federal law in 41.5% of all union election campaigns
Noncompete agreements: Ubiquitous, harmful to wages and to competition, and part of a growing trend of employers requiring workers to sign away their rights
Unprecedented: The Trump NLRB’s attack on workers’ rights
News from EPI › EPI’s Budget for Shared Prosperity redefines the priorities of ‘fiscal responsibility’
What’s luck got to do with it? When it comes to money, quite a bit