Search results for does raising the minimum wage reduce employment? (40)
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The pandemic has exacerbated a long-standing national shortage of teachers
The great reversal: The story of how an influential international organization changed its view on employment security, labor market flexibility, and collective bargaining
Understanding the claims about labor markets in debates on ‘Private Government‘
Preempting progress: State interference in local policymaking prevents people of color, women, and low-income workers from making ends meet in the South
The importance of locking in full employment for the long haul
Testimony of David Cooper before the Maryland Senate Finance Committee in Support of SB 543
Testimony of David Cooper before the Maryland House of Delegates Economic Matters Committee in support of H.B. 0664
Testimony of David Cooper before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development in support of S.1004 and H.2365
Impressive, incomplete, and under threat: Janet Yellen’s legacy at the Federal Reserve
Testimony before the Baltimore City Council in support of Bill 17-0018