Search results for income inequality (1415)
Showing 1415 results, ordered by relevance | Order by date
One million veterans would benefit from raising the minimum wage to $9.80
GOP senators to Congressional Research Service: Research? We don’t need no stinking research
Migration and domestic labor markets: Auctions and employer demand versus public policy
Massachusetts voters have the chance to vote on budget priorities
The rise of the top 1 percent—not the same everywhere
Schumer’s spot on: 1986 is the wrong model for tax reform
What we read today
Real hourly wage growth: The last generation
Counting up to green: Assessing the green economy and its implications for growth and equity
2011 American Community Survey shows continuing hardship throughout the U.S.
The State of Working America, 12th Edition now available online
Several new books highlight data from EPI’s forthcoming “State of Working America”
Decline of collective bargaining worsens wage and benefit standards for all workers
Coming Soon: The State of Working America
How raising the federal minimum wage would help working families and give the economy a boost
What a Romney-Ryan budget would mean for Americans
News from EPI › “Prosperity Economics” provides economic blueprint for long-term growth
The five serious flaws of Bowles-Simpson
News from EPI › Unions play important role in promoting shared prosperity and preserving democracy
Adding to Joe Nocera’s piece: A revival of the labor movement is necessary to preserve our democracy
Latinos and the good jobs crisis
Don’t let Congress fast-track another tax cut
News from EPI › Economist Josh Bivens named EPI’s Research and Policy Director
The Ryan budget versus the Budget for All: Exacerbating versus alleviating our serious economic challenges
Taxes have fallen furthest for those at the very top
CEOs made 231 times more than workers did in 2011
CEO pay 231 times greater than the average worker
The State of Working America, 12th edition: Coming Tuesday, Sept. 11
News from EPI › CEOs made 231 times more than workers did in 2011
How unions positively impact the economy